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13-30-1-1. Declaratory or Equitable Relief in Name of State - Sec. 1. Under this chapter: (1) the attorney general; (2)...
13-30-1-2. Notice - Sec. 2. (a) A citizen, a partnership, a corporation, a...
13-30-1-3. Maintenance of Action; Agency Not Required to Be Joined as Party - Sec. 3. (a) An individual or entity that is identified...
13-30-1-4. Hearing; Final Determination; Appeal - Sec. 4. If the administrative agency that has jurisdiction and...
13-30-1-5. Intervention - Sec. 5. In an administrative, a licensing, or any other...
13-30-1-6. Consideration of Impairment, Pollution, or Destruction of Environment - Sec. 6. In the administrative, licensing, or other procedure, the...
13-30-1-7. Judicial Review - Sec. 7. In an action for judicial review of proceedings...
13-30-1-8. Respondent's Burden - Sec. 8. (a) In an action under this chapter, whenever...
13-30-1-9. Venue - Sec. 9. An action under this chapter must be brought...
13-30-1-10. Master or Referee; Appointment - Sec. 10. The court may appoint a master or referee,...
13-30-1-11. Temporary and Permanent Equitable Relief - Sec. 11. The court may: (1) grant temporary and permanent...
13-30-1-12. Failure to Intervene; Effect - Sec. 12. (a) In an action in which a petitioner...