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31-36-1-1. Contents of Reports - Sec. 1. A law enforcement agency in which a notification...
31-36-1-2. Time for Preparing Report - Sec. 2. The law enforcement agency shall prepare the report...
31-36-1-3. Agencies That Are to Receive Report - Sec. 3. Upon completion of the report required by section...
31-36-1-3.5. Information to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children - Sec. 3.5. (a) If the department receives a report concerning...
31-36-1-4. Child Care Centers or Homes and Schools That Are to Receive Report - Sec. 4. Not later than fifteen (15) days after completion...
31-36-1-5. School Record Attachments of Missing Children; Procedure Upon Request for Records - Sec. 5. (a) Upon receiving a report under section 4...