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13-20.5-1-0.5. "Program Year" - Sec. 0.5. As used in this chapter, "program year" means...
13-20.5-1-1. Registration Deadlines; Information to Be Included in Registration; Updates - Sec. 1. (a) A manufacturer of video display devices that...
13-20.5-1-2. Requirements for Sale of Video Display Devices From Manufacturer to Retailer - Sec. 2. After 2009, a manufacturer may not sell, offer...
13-20.5-1-3. Registration Applies to Program Year; Department Review and Listing of Manufacturers and Brands - Sec. 3. (a) A registration received from a manufacturer by...
13-20.5-1-4. Requirements to Operate as Collector; Effective Period of Registration - Sec. 4. (a) A person may not operate as a...
13-20.5-1-5. Requirements to Operate as Recycler; Effective Period of Registration - Sec. 5. (a) A person may not recycle covered electronic...
13-20.5-1-6. Department May Revoke Collector or Recycler Registration - Sec. 6. The department may revoke the registration of a...