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12-10-1-1. Establishment of Bureau - Sec. 1. The bureau of aging and in-home services is...
12-10-1-2. Purpose - Sec. 2. The purpose of the bureau is to assist...
12-10-1-3. Administration of Programs - Sec. 3. The bureau shall administer the following programs: (1)...
12-10-1-4. Duties - Sec. 4. The bureau shall perform the following duties: (1)...
12-10-1-5. Coordination of Services With Area Agencies - Sec. 5. In carrying out the bureau's duties under this...
12-10-1-6. Area Agencies; Duties; Coverage Area Changes - Sec. 6. (a) The area agencies on aging designated by...
12-10-1-7. Issuance of Citation for Violations; Requirements; Remedies; Considerations in Determination of Remedy - Sec. 7. (a) Upon a determination by the bureau that...