Indiana Code
Chapter 12. Assessed Value Deductions and Deduction Procedures
6-1.1-12-2. Statement to Apply for Mortgage Deduction; Requirements; Delegation of Signing Authority Only by Power of Attorney; Limitation on Closing Agent Liability; County Recorder

Note: This version of section effective until 1-1-2023. See also following repeal of this section, effective 1-1-2023.
Sec. 2. (a) Except as provided in section 17.8 of this chapter and subject to section 45 of this chapter, for a person to qualify for the deduction provided by section 1 of this chapter a statement must be filed under subsection (b) or (c). Regardless of the manner in which a statement is filed, the mortgage, contract, or memorandum (including a home equity line of credit) must be recorded with the county recorder's office to qualify for a deduction under section 1 of this chapter.
(b) Subject to subsection (c), to apply for the deduction under section 1 of this chapter with respect to real property, the person recording the mortgage, home equity line of credit, contract, or memorandum of the contract with the county recorder may file a written statement with the county recorder containing the information described in subsection (e)(1), (e)(2), (e)(3), (e)(4), (e)(6), (e)(7), and (e)(8). The statement must be prepared on the form prescribed by the department of local government finance and be signed by the property owner or contract purchaser under the penalties of perjury. The form must have a place for the county recorder to insert the record number and page where the mortgage, home equity line of credit, contract, or memorandum of the contract is recorded. Upon receipt of the form and the recording of the mortgage, home equity line of credit, contract, or memorandum of the contract, the county recorder shall insert on the form the record number and page where the mortgage, home equity line of credit, contract, or memorandum of the contract is recorded and forward the completed form to the county auditor. The county recorder may not impose a charge for the county recorder's duties under this subsection. The statement must be completed and dated in the calendar year for which the person wishes to obtain the deduction and filed with the county recorder on or before January 5 of the immediately succeeding calendar year.
(c) With respect to:
(1) real property as an alternative to a filing under subsection (b); or
(2) a mobile home that is not assessed as real property or a manufactured home that is not assessed as real property;
to apply for a deduction under section 1 of this chapter, a person who desires to claim the deduction may file a statement in duplicate, on forms prescribed by the department of local government finance, with the auditor of the county in which the real property, mobile home not assessed as real property, or manufactured home not assessed as real property is located. To obtain the deduction for a desired calendar year in which property taxes are first due and payable, the statement must be completed and dated in the immediately preceding calendar year and filed with the county auditor on or before January 5 of the calendar year in which the property taxes are first due and payable. The statement may be filed in person or by mail. If mailed, the mailing must be postmarked on or before the last day for filing. In addition to the statement required by this subsection, a contract buyer who desires to claim the deduction must submit a copy of the recorded contract or recorded memorandum of the contract, which must contain a legal description sufficient to meet the requirements of IC 6-1.1-5, with the first statement that the buyer files under this section with respect to a particular parcel of real property.
(d) Upon receipt of:
(1) the statement under subsection (b); or
(2) the statement under subsection (c) and the recorded contract or recorded memorandum of the contract;
the county auditor shall assign a separate description and identification number to the parcel of real property being sold under the contract.
(e) The statement referred to in subsections (b) and (c) must be verified under penalties for perjury. The statement must contain the following information:
(1) The balance of the person's mortgage, home equity line of credit, or contract indebtedness that is recorded in the county recorder's office on the assessment date of the year for which the deduction is claimed.
(2) The assessed value of the real property, mobile home, or manufactured home.
(3) The full name and complete residence address of the person and of the mortgagee or contract seller.
(4) The name and residence of any assignee or bona fide owner or holder of the mortgage, home equity line of credit, or contract, if known, and if not known, the person shall state that fact.
(5) The record number and page where the mortgage, contract, or memorandum of the contract is recorded.
(6) A brief description of the real property, mobile home, or manufactured home which is encumbered by the mortgage or home equity line of credit or sold under the contract.
(7) If the person is not the sole legal or equitable owner of the real property, mobile home, or manufactured home, the exact share of the person's interest in it.
(8) The name of any other county in which the person has applied for a deduction under this section and the amount of deduction claimed in that application.
(f) The authority for signing a deduction application filed under this section may not be delegated by the real property, mobile home, or manufactured home owner or contract buyer to any person except upon an executed power of attorney. The power of attorney may be contained in the recorded mortgage, contract, or memorandum of the contract, or in a separate instrument.
(g) A closing agent (as defined in section 43(a)(2) of this chapter) is not liable for any damages claimed by the property owner or contract purchaser because of:
(1) the closing agent's failure to provide the written statement described in subsection (b);
(2) the closing agent's failure to file the written statement described in subsection (b);
(3) any omission or inaccuracy in the written statement described in subsection (b) that is filed with the county recorder by the closing agent; or
(4) any determination made with respect to a property owner's or contract purchaser's eligibility for the deduction under section 1 of this chapter.
(h) The county recorder may not refuse to record a mortgage, contract, or memorandum because the written statement described in subsection (b):
(1) is not included with the mortgage, home equity line of credit, contract, or memorandum of the contract;
(2) does not contain the signatures required by subsection (b);
(3) does not contain the information described in subsection (e); or
(4) is otherwise incomplete or inaccurate.
(i) The form prescribed by the department of local government finance under subsection (b) and the instructions for the form must both include a statement:
(1) that explains that a person is not entitled to a deduction under section 1 of this chapter unless the person has a balance on the person's mortgage or contract indebtedness that is recorded in the county recorder's office (including any home equity line of credit that is recorded in the county recorder's office) that is the basis for the deduction; and
(2) that specifies the penalties for perjury.
(j) The department of local government finance shall develop a notice:
(1) that must be displayed in a place accessible to the public in the office of each county auditor;
(2) that includes the information described in subsection (i); and
(3) that explains that the form prescribed by the department of local government finance to claim the deduction under section 1 of this chapter must be signed by the property owner or contract purchaser under the penalties of perjury.
[Pre-1975 Property Tax Recodification Citation: 6-1-1-6.]
Formerly: Acts 1975, P.L.47, SEC.1. As amended by Acts 1979, P.L.56, SEC.10; Acts 1980, P.L.39, SEC.2; Acts 1981, P.L.69, SEC.2; Acts 1982, P.L.44, SEC.1; P.L.55-1988, SEC.1; P.L.3-1989, SEC.32; P.L.291-2001, SEC.130; P.L.90-2002, SEC.106; P.L.177-2002, SEC.1; P.L.154-2006, SEC.11; P.L.183-2007, SEC.1; P.L.144-2008, SEC.10; P.L.75-2009, SEC.2; P.L.182-2009(ss), SEC.108; P.L.1-2010, SEC.21; P.L.81-2010, SEC.2; P.L.214-2019, SEC.4; P.L.257-2019, SEC.18.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 6. Taxation

Article 1.1. Property Taxes

Chapter 12. Assessed Value Deductions and Deduction Procedures

6-1.1-12-0.5. Basis for Taxation After Deduction

6-1.1-12-0.7. Mortgage Deduction; Filing; Appointees to Act for Elderly, Blind, or Disabled Persons

6-1.1-12-1. Deduction for Property Financed by Mortgage or Installment Loan; Home Equity Line of Credit

6-1.1-12-1-b. Repealed

6-1.1-12-2. Statement to Apply for Mortgage Deduction; Requirements; Delegation of Signing Authority Only by Power of Attorney; Limitation on Closing Agent Liability; County Recorder

6-1.1-12-2-b. Repealed

6-1.1-12-3. Claim of Deduction for Property Financed by Mortgage or Installment Loan by Member of Armed Forces

6-1.1-12-3-b. Repealed

6-1.1-12-4. Procedure for Claim by Member of Armed Forces

6-1.1-12-4-b. Repealed

6-1.1-12-5. Mortgage or Contract Deductions; Members of Armed Forces; Amount of Deduction Without Claim

6-1.1-12-5-b. Repealed

6-1.1-12-6. Mortgage or Contract Deductions; Transmission of Application to Second County

6-1.1-12-6-b. Repealed

6-1.1-12-7. Mortgage or Contract Deductions; Granting

6-1.1-12-7-b. Repealed

6-1.1-12-8. Repealed

6-1.1-12-9. Deduction for Person 65 or Older; Limitations; Surviving Spouse; Contract Purchaser; Common Ownership

6-1.1-12-9.1. Repealed

6-1.1-12-10. Repealed

6-1.1-12-10.1. Persons Over 65 or Surviving Spouse; Filing Claim

6-1.1-12-11. Deduction for Blind or Disabled Person; Limitations; Contract Purchaser

6-1.1-12-12. Blind Persons; Filing Claim; Proof of Blindness; Contents of Application

6-1.1-12-13. Deduction for Veteran With Partial Disability; Limitations; Surviving Spouse; Contract Purchaser

6-1.1-12-14. Deduction for Totally Disabled Veteran or Veteran Age 62 and Partially Disabled; Surviving Spouse; Contract Purchaser

6-1.1-12-14.5. Deduction for Disabled Veteran; Homestead Conveyed Without Consideration; Nonprofit Organization

6-1.1-12-15. Claim by Veteran; Guardianship; Contract Purchaser

6-1.1-12-16. Deduction for Surviving Spouse of Veteran; Limitations; Contract Purchaser

6-1.1-12-17. Claim by Surviving Spouse of Veteran

6-1.1-12-17.5. Repealed

6-1.1-12-17.8. Automatic Carryover of Deductions; Termination of Standard Deduction by County Auditor; Jointly Held Property, Trusts, and Cooperative Housing Corporations

6-1.1-12-17.8-b. Automatic Carryover of Deductions; Termination of Standard Deduction by County Auditor; Jointly Held Property, Trusts, and Cooperative Housing Corporations

6-1.1-12-17.9. Trust Eligibility for Certain Deductions; Requirements

6-1.1-12-18. Deduction for Rehabilitated Residential Real Property; Limitations; Expiration

6-1.1-12-19. Rehabilitated Residential Property; Duration of Deduction; Expiration

6-1.1-12-20. Claim for Deduction for Rehabilitated Residential Real Property; Expiration

6-1.1-12-21. Rehabilitated Real Property; Reassessment; Notice of Deductions Required

6-1.1-12-22. Deduction for Rehabilitated Property; Limitations; Expiration

6-1.1-12-23. Rehabilitated Property; Duration of Deduction; Expiration

6-1.1-12-24. Claim for Deduction for Rehabilitated Property; Expiration

6-1.1-12-25. Rehabilitated Property; Electing Either Ic 6-1.1-12-18 or Ic 6-1.1-12-22 Deduction; Expiration

6-1.1-12-25.5. Rehabilitated Property; Deductions; Denial; Appeal

6-1.1-12-26. Solar Energy Heating or Cooling System

6-1.1-12-26.1. Solar Power Devices

6-1.1-12-26.2. Property Tax Deduction for Heritage Barns

6-1.1-12-27. Repealed

6-1.1-12-27.1. Claim for Deduction for Solar Energy Heating or Cooling System; Solar Power Device

6-1.1-12-28. Repealed

6-1.1-12-28.5. Resource Recovery System; Prerequisites for Deduction; Definitions

6-1.1-12-28.6. Repealed

6-1.1-12-29. Wind Power Device; Definition

6-1.1-12-30. Claim for Deduction for Wind Power Device

6-1.1-12-31. Repealed

6-1.1-12-32. Repealed

6-1.1-12-33. Deduction for Hydroelectric Power Device; Limitations

6-1.1-12-34. Deduction for Geothermal Energy Heating or Cooling Device; Limitations

6-1.1-12-34.5. Repealed

6-1.1-12-35. Repealed

6-1.1-12-35.5. Claims for Deductions Related to Hydroelectric and Geothermal; Involvement of Department of Environmental Management; Appeals

6-1.1-12-36. Deductions; Eligibility for Following Year

6-1.1-12-37. Standard Deduction for Homesteads; Amount; Statement to Apply for Deduction; Notice of Ineligibility for Deduction; Limitations on Deduction; Homestead Property Data Base

6-1.1-12-37-b. Standard Deduction for Homesteads; Amount; Statement to Apply for Deduction; Notice of Ineligibility for Deduction; Limitations on Deduction; Homestead Property Data Base

6-1.1-12-37.5. Supplemental Deduction for Homesteads

6-1.1-12-38. Deduction for Improvements to Comply With Fertilizer Storage Rules; Prerequisites for Filing Limitations

6-1.1-12-39. Person Not Qualified for Exemption Purchasing Exempt Property Under Contract for Sale; Entitlement to Deduction

6-1.1-12-40. Deductions for Real Property Located in Enterprise Zones

6-1.1-12-40.5. Limits on Deductions for Mobile or Manufactured Homes

6-1.1-12-41. Repealed

6-1.1-12-42. Statewide Property Tax Deduction for Inventory

6-1.1-12-43. Residential Mortgage Transactions; Closing Agent's Duty to Provide Forms and Input Information; Compliance; Civil Penalty; Immunity

6-1.1-12-43-b. Residential Mortgage Transactions; Closing Agent's Duty to Provide Forms and Input Information; Compliance; Civil Penalty; Immunity

6-1.1-12-44. Sales Disclosure Form Serves as Application for Certain Deductions; Limitations

6-1.1-12-45. Automatic One Year Carryover of Deductions; Limitations; Specification of Year for Which Deduction Claim Applies

6-1.1-12-45-b. Automatic One Year Carryover of Deductions; Limitations; Specification of Year for Which Deduction Claim Applies

6-1.1-12-46. Eligibility of Transferred Property for Certain Deductions

6-1.1-12-46-b. Eligibility of Transferred Property for Certain Deductions