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Section 39-9501 - SHORT TITLE. - 39-9501. SHORT TITLE. This act shall be known and may...
Section 39-9502 - LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS AND PURPOSE. - 39-9502. LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS AND PURPOSE. (1) The legislature of the...
Section 39-9503 - DEFINITIONS. - 39-9503. DEFINITIONS. As used in this chapter: (1) "Abortion" shall...
Section 39-9504 - ABORTION COMPLICATION REPORTING. - 39-9504. ABORTION COMPLICATION REPORTING. (1) Every hospital, licensed health care...
Section 39-9505 - REPORTING FORMS. - 39-9505. REPORTING FORMS. The department shall create the forms required...
Section 39-9506 - PENALTIES AND PROFESSIONAL SANCTIONS. - 39-9506. PENALTIES AND PROFESSIONAL SANCTIONS. (1) Any person who willfully...
Section 39-9507 - CONSTRUCTION. - 39-9507. CONSTRUCTION. (1) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed...
Section 39-9508 - RIGHT OF INTERVENTION. - 39-9508. RIGHT OF INTERVENTION. The legislature, by concurrent resolution, may...
Section 39-9509 - SEVERABILITY. - 39-9509. SEVERABILITY. The provisions of this chapter are hereby declared...