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Section 26-2601 - SHORT TITLE. - 26-2601. SHORT TITLE. This chapter shall be known as the...
Section 26-2602 - STATEMENT OF PURPOSE. - 26-2602. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE. It is the policy of the...
Section 26-2603 - DEFINITIONS. - 26-2603. DEFINITIONS. As used in this chapter: (1) "Applicant" means...
Section 26-2604 - PROHIBITED ACQUISITION. - 26-2604. PROHIBITED ACQUISITION. Except as authorized in this chapter, chapter...
Section 26-2605 - ACQUISITION BY OUT-OF-STATE COMPANY. - 26-2605. ACQUISITION BY OUT-OF-STATE COMPANY. If an application has been...
Section 26-2606 - REQUIREMENTS FOR ACQUISITION. - 26-2606. REQUIREMENTS FOR ACQUISITION. No person shall effect any of...
Section 26-2607 - ACQUISITION OF FAILING INSTITUTION. - 26-2607. ACQUISITION OF FAILING INSTITUTION. (1) Notwithstanding any provision of...
Section 26-2608 - CONDITIONS FOR APPROVAL. - 26-2608. CONDITIONS FOR APPROVAL. The director may make the acquisition...
Section 26-2610 - COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS. - 26-2610. COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS. (1) The director is authorized to enter...
Section 26-2611 - NO REPEAL BY IMPLICATION. - 26-2611. NO REPEAL BY IMPLICATION. Nothing contained in this chapter,...
Section 26-2612 - SEVERABILITY. - 26-2612. SEVERABILITY. If any court of competent jurisdiction shall adjudge...
Section 26-2613 - BANKS AS “ISSUING PUBLIC CORPORATIONS.” - 26-2613. BANKS AS "ISSUING PUBLIC CORPORATIONS." Notwithstanding any other provision...