Idaho Code
Section 61-1302 - DEFINITIONS.

61-1302. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
(1) "Administrator" means the person with whom the Idaho public utilities commission contracts to administer the program for delivery of telecommunications relay services.
(2) "Commission" means the Idaho public utilities commission.
(3) "Communications-impaired" means individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech-impaired as defined in title IV, section 401, Americans with disabilities act of 1990, public law 101-336, 104 stat. 327, 336-69 (47 U.S.C. section 225) or regulations promulgated pursuant thereto.
(4) "Local exchange company" means a telephone corporation that provides access lines to residential and business customers with the associated transmission of two (2) way interactive switched voice communication within a geographic area where basic local exchange rates rather than message telecommunications service rates apply.
(5) "Message telecommunications service" shall have the meaning prescribed in section 62-603(8), Idaho Code.
(6) "Program" means the effort directed by the administrator pursuant to this chapter to establish and operate an Idaho system to provide telecommunications relay services.
(7) "Telephone corporation" shall have the meaning prescribed in section 62-603(14), Idaho Code.
(8) "Telecommunications relay services" (TRS) means services through which a communications-impaired person, using specialized telecommunications equipment, may send and receive messages to and from a noncommunications-impaired person whose telephone is not equipped with specialized telecommunications equipment and through which a noncommunications-impaired person may, by using voice communication, send and receive messages to and from a communications-impaired person.

[61-1302, added 1992, ch. 148, sec. 1, p. 443; am. 2020, ch. 12, sec. 6, p. 26.]