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572C-1 Purpose. - §572C-1 Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to extend...
572C-2 Findings. - §572C-2 Findings. The legislature acknowledges that there are many individuals...
572C-3 Definitions. - §572C-3 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter: "Declaration of...
572C-4 Requisites of a valid reciprocal beneficiary relationship. - §572C-4 Requisites of a valid reciprocal beneficiary relationship. In order...
572C-5 Registration as reciprocal beneficiaries; filing fees; records. - §572C-5 Registration as reciprocal beneficiaries; filing fees; records. (a) Two...
572C-6 Rights and obligations. - §572C-6 Rights and obligations. Upon the issuance of a certificate...
572C-7 Termination of reciprocal beneficiary relationship; filing fees and records; termination upon marriage. - §572C-7 Termination of reciprocal beneficiary relationship; filing fees and records;...