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342D-1 Definitions. - §342D-1 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context...
342D-2 Administration. - §342D-2 Administration. The department shall administer this chapter through the...
342D-3 Board membership. - §342D-3 Board membership. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no...
342D-4 Duties; rules. - §342D-4 Duties; rules. In addition to any other power or...
342D-5 Rules; specific. - §342D-5 Rules; specific. The director may establish by rule, water...
342D-6 Permits; procedures for. - §342D-6 Permits; procedures for. (a) An application for any permit...
342D-6.5 Hawaiian loko i`a. - §342D-6.5 Hawaiian loko i`a. (a) The department shall process applications...
342D-7 Variances. - §342D-7 Variances. (a) Every application for a variance shall be...
342D-8 Inspection of premises. - §342D-8 Inspection of premises. (a) The director, in accordance with...
342D-9 Enforcement. - §342D-9 Enforcement. (a) If the director determines that any person...
342D-10 Emergency powers; procedures. - §342D-10 Emergency powers; procedures. (a) Notwithstanding any other law to...
342D-11 Injunctive and other relief. - §342D-11 Injunctive and other relief. The director may institute a...
342D-12 Appeal. - §342D-12 Appeal. If any party is aggrieved by the decision...
342D-13 Fees. - §342D-13 Fees. The director may establish reasonable fees for the...
342D-14 Public records; confidential information; penalties. - §342D-14 Public records; confidential information; penalties. Reports submitted to the...
342D-15 Nonliability of department personnel. - §342D-15 Nonliability of department personnel. Notwithstanding any other law to...
342D-16 Remedies preserved. - §342D-16 Remedies preserved. No existing civil or criminal remedy for...
342D-17 Enforcement by state and county authorities. - §342D-17 Enforcement by state and county authorities. All state and...
342D-18 Other powers of department not affected. - §342D-18 Other powers of department not affected. The powers, duties,...
342D-19 Effect of laws, ordinances, and rules. - §342D-19 Effect of laws, ordinances, and rules. (a) All laws,...
342D-20 Priority in courts. - §342D-20 Priority in courts. All actions brought pursuant to this...
342D-21 Sale and distribution of sunscreen containing oxybenzone or octinoxate, or both; prohibition. - §342D-21 Sale and distribution of sunscreen containing oxybenzone or octinoxate,...
342D-30 Civil penalties. - §342D-30 Civil penalties. (a) Any person who violates this chapter,...
342D-31 Administrative penalties. - §342D-31 Administrative penalties. (a) In addition to any other administrative...
342D-32 Negligent violations. - §342D-32 Negligent violations. Any person who: (1) Negligently violates this...
342D-33 Knowing violations. - §342D-33 Knowing violations. Any person who: (1) Knowingly violates this...
342D-34 Knowing endangerment. - §342D-34 Knowing endangerment. (a) Any person who knowingly violates this...
342D-35 False statements. - §342D-35 False statements. Any person who knowingly makes any false...
342D-36 Treatment of single operational upset. - §342D-36 Treatment of single operational upset. For the purpose of...
342D-37 Responsible corporate officer as "person". - §342D-37 Responsible corporate officer as "person". For the purpose of...
342D-38 Hazardous substance defined. - §342D-38 Hazardous substance defined. For the purpose of this part,...
342D-39 Disposition of collected fines and penalties. - §342D-39 Disposition of collected fines and penalties. Fines and penalties...
342D-50 Prohibition. - §342D-50 Prohibition. (a) No person, including any public body, shall...
342D-50.5 Treated or raw sewage; prohibition. - §342D-50.5 Treated or raw sewage; prohibition. (a) Notwithstanding any other...
342D-51 Affirmative duty to report discharges. - §342D-51 Affirmative duty to report discharges. Any person who has...
342D-52 Testing of water and aquatic and other life. - §342D-52 Testing of water and aquatic and other life. The...
342D-53 Certifying agency. - §342D-53 Certifying agency. The director may act as a certifying...
342D-54 Wastewater treatment works; financial assistance; grants. - §342D-54 Wastewater treatment works; financial assistance; grants. (a) The director...
342D-55 Recordkeeping and monitoring requirements. - §342D-55 Recordkeeping and monitoring requirements. (a) The director may require...
342D-56 Complaints; hearings; appointment of masters. - §342D-56 Complaints; hearings; appointment of masters. The director may: (1)...
342D-57 Public participation activities; appointment of hearings officers. - §342D-57 Public participation activities; appointment of hearings officers. The director...
342D-58 Consultation and advice. - §342D-58 Consultation and advice. The director may consult with and...
342D-59 Research, educational, and training programs. - §342D-59 Research, educational, and training programs. The director may: (1)...
342D-60 Annual reports. - §342D-60 Annual reports. The director may publish annual reports on...
342D-61 Household aerobic unit approval. - §342D-61 Household aerobic unit approval. (a) The installation or use...
342D-70 Use of gray water for irrigation purposes. - §342D-70 Use of gray water for irrigation purposes. (a) The...
342D-71 Recycled water use. - §342D-71 Recycled water use. All state and county facilities using...
342D-72 Cesspools; mandatory upgrade, conversion, or connection. - §342D-72 Cesspools; mandatory upgrade, conversion, or connection. (a) Prior to...
342D-80 Definitions. - Cross References Drinking water financing, see § §340E-31 to 41....
342D-81 Declaration of policy. - §342D-81 Declaration of policy. The State's policy is to promote...
342D-82 Powers and duties. - §342D-82 Powers and duties. (a) In addition to any other...
342D-82.5 Use of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and other federal moneys. (a) The director may provide financial assistance for publicly owned wastewater treatment works for the construction of necessary wastewater infrastructure proj... - §342D-82.5 Use of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009...
342D-83 Revolving fund; establishment, purposes, coordination. - §342D-83 Revolving fund; establishment, purposes, coordination. (a) There is established...
342D-84 Revolving fund; uses. - §342D-84 Revolving fund; uses. (a) Moneys in the revolving fund,...
342D-85 Revolving fund; deposits. - §342D-85 Revolving fund; deposits. The following may be deposited into...
342D-86 Revolving fund; fees, interest, and investment on accounts. - §342D-86 Revolving fund; fees, interest, and investment on accounts. (a)...
342D-87 Revolving fund; conditions. - §342D-87 Revolving fund; conditions. (a) The following conditions shall apply...
342D-88 Revenue bonds; authorization. - §342D-88 Revenue bonds; authorization. (a) The director of health, with...
342D-89 Revenue bonds; payment and security. - §342D-89 Revenue bonds; payment and security. (a) The revenue bonds...
342D-90 Revenue bonds; amount issued. - §342D-90 Revenue bonds; amount issued. The director may include the...
342D-91 Revenue bonds; investment of proceeds, and redemption. - §342D-91 Revenue bonds; investment of proceeds, and redemption. Subject to...
342D-92 Trustee; designation; duties. - §342D-92 Trustee; designation; duties. The director may designate a trustee...
342D-93 Trust indenture. - §342D-93 Trust indenture. (a) Any trust indenture entered into by...
342D-101 Definitions. - §342D-101 Definitions. As used in this part: "Commercial passenger vessel"...
342D-102 Prohibited discharges; limitations on discharges. - §342D-102 Prohibited discharges; limitations on discharges. (a) Except as provided...
342D-103 Prohibited air emissions. - §342D-103 Prohibited air emissions. (a) No person shall operate an...
342D-104 Information-gathering requirements. - §342D-104 Information-gathering requirements. (a) Except as provided under section 342D-111,...
342D-105 Recordkeeping requirements. - §342D-105 Recordkeeping requirements. An owner or operator subject to section...
342D-106 Reporting requirements. - §342D-106 Reporting requirements. (a) An owner or operator of a...
342D-107 Memorandum of understanding; recognition program. - §342D-107 Memorandum of understanding; recognition program. (a) Nothing contained in...
342D-108 Exemption for vessels in innocent passage. - §342D-108 Exemption for vessels in innocent passage. This part does...
342D-109 Activities of the department. - §342D-109 Activities of the department. The department may engage in...
342D-110 Fine schedules for illegal discharges. - §342D-110 Fine schedules for illegal discharges. (a) Any person who...
342D-111 Alternative terms and conditions of vessel discharges. - §342D-111 Alternative terms and conditions of vessel discharges. (a) The...