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340B-1 Definitions. - §340B-1 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context...
340B-2 Classification. - §340B-2 Classification. The board shall classify all wastewater treatment plants....
340B-3 Certification. - §340B-3 Certification. (a) Upon board approval the director shall issue...
340B-3.5 Wastewater treatment certification board special fund. - §340B-3.5 Wastewater treatment certification board special fund. (a) There is...
340B-4 Board of certification. - §340B-4 Board of certification. (a) A state board of certification...
340B-5 Association of certification authorities. - §340B-5 Association of certification authorities. The board may, when taking...
340B-6 Certification requirement. - §340B-6 Certification requirement. All classified wastewater treatment plants whether publicly...
340B-7 Regulations. - §340B-7 Regulations. The board shall adopt such rules and regulations...
340B-8 Prohibited acts. - §340B-8 Prohibited acts. It shall be unlawful: (1) For any...
340B-9 Injunctions and civil penalty. - §340B-9 Injunctions and civil penalty. Any person who violates any...
340B-10 Criminal penalties. - §340B-10 Criminal penalties. Any individual who knowingly makes any false...
340B-11 Powers and duties of the board. - §340B-11 Powers and duties of the board. To carry out...
340B-12 Annual report. - §340B-12 Annual report. Within twelve months from June 2, 1978,...
340B-13 Reciprocity. - §340B-13 Reciprocity. (a) On or after June 2, 1978, certification...
340B-21 REPEALED. - §340B-21 REPEALED. L 1999, c 193, §11.