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327E-1 Short title. - §327E-1 Short title. This chapter may be cited as the...
327E-2 Definitions. - §327E-2 Definitions. Whenever used in this chapter, unless the context...
327E-3 Advance health-care directives. - §327E-3 Advance health-care directives. (a) An adult or emancipated minor...
327E-4 Revocation of advance health-care directive. - §327E-4 Revocation of advance health-care directive. (a) An individual may...
327E-5 Health-care decisions; surrogates. - §327E-5 Health-care decisions; surrogates. (a) A patient may designate or...
327E-6 Decisions by guardian. - §327E-6 Decisions by guardian. (a) A guardian shall comply with...
327E-7 Obligations of health-care provider. - §327E-7 Obligations of health-care provider. (a) Before implementing a health-care...
327E-8 Health-care information. - §327E-8 Health-care information. Unless otherwise specified in an advance health-care...
327E-9 Immunities. - §327E-9 Immunities. (a) A health-care provider or institution acting in...
327E-10 Statutory damages. - §327E-10 Statutory damages. (a) A health-care provider or institution that...
327E-11 Capacity. - §327E-11 Capacity. (a) This chapter does not affect the right...
327E-12 Effect of copy. - §327E-12 Effect of copy. A copy of a written advance...
327E-13 Effect of this chapter. - §327E-13 Effect of this chapter. (a) This chapter shall not...
327E-14 Judicial relief. - §327E-14 Judicial relief. On petition of a patient, the patient's...
327E-15 Uniformity of application and construction. - §327E-15 Uniformity of application and construction. This chapter shall be...
327E-16 Optional form. - §327E-16 Optional form. The following sample form may be used...