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323D-1 Purpose. - §323D-1 Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to establish...
323D-2 Definitions - §323D-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter: "Applicant" means any...
323D-11 State health planning and development agency. - §323D-11 State health planning and development agency. There is established...
323D-12 Health planning and development functions; state agency. - §323D-12 Health planning and development functions; state agency. (a) The...
323D-12.5 REPEALED. - §323D-12.5 REPEALED. L 1984, c 267, §15.
323D-12.6 State health planning and development special fund; created; deposits; expenditures; fees. - §323D-12.6 State health planning and development special fund; created; deposits;...
323D-13 Statewide health coordinating council. - §323D-13 Statewide health coordinating council. (a) There is established a...
323D-13.5 Disqualification from position or membership. - §323D-13.5 Disqualification from position or membership. The chairpersons of the...
323D-14 Functions; statewide health coordinating council. - §323D-14 Functions; statewide health coordinating council. The statewide council shall:...
323D-15 State health services and facilities plan. - §323D-15 State health services and facilities plan. There shall be...
323D-16 REPEALED. - §323D-16 REPEALED. L 1997, c 336, §14.
323D-17 Public hearings required. - §323D-17 Public hearings required. In the preparation of the state...
323D-18 Information required of providers. - §323D-18 Information required of providers. Providers of health care doing...
323D-18.5 Access to health and dental insurance data; mandatory reporting for certain insurers; uses; confidentiality. - §323D-18.5 Access to health and dental insurance data; mandatory reporting...
323D-18.6 Confidentiality of information. - §323D-18.6 Confidentiality of information. The state agency may adopt rules...
323D-21 Subarea health planning councils, established. - §323D-21 Subarea health planning councils, established. There are established, subarea...
323D-22 Subarea health planning councils, functions, quorum and number of members necessary to take valid action. - §323D-22 Subarea health planning councils, functions, quorum and number of...
323D-23 OLD REPEALED. §323D-23 Subarea health planning councils, composition, appointment. - §323D-23 OLD REPEALED. L 1977, c 178, §3. §323D-23 Subarea...
323D-24 to 27 REPEALED. - § §323D-24 to 27 REPEALED. L 1977, c 178, §3.
323D-31 to 33 REPEALED. - § §323D-31 to 33 REPEALED. L 1980, c 75, §10.
323D-41 REPEALED. - Note Part redesignated by L 1976, c 152, §2. §323D-41...
323D-42 Review panel. - §323D-42 Review panel. There is established a review panel for...
323D-43 Certificates of need. - §323D-43 Certificates of need. (a) No person, public or private,...
323D-44 Applications for certificates of need. - §323D-44 Applications for certificates of need. (a) An applicant for...
323D-44.5 Administrative review of certain applications for certificate of need. - §323D-44.5 Administrative review of certain applications for certificate of need....
323D-44.6 Review of certain applications for certificate of need; waiver. - §323D-44.6 Review of certain applications for certificate of need; waiver....
323D-44.7 Monitoring of approved certificates of need. - §323D-44.7 Monitoring of approved certificates of need. The state agency...
323D-45 Subarea council, review panel, and statewide council recommendations for issuance or denial of certificates of need. - §323D-45 Subarea council, review panel, and statewide council recommendations for...
323D-45.1 Ex parte contacts prohibited. - §323D-45.1 Ex parte contacts prohibited. (a) There shall be no...
323D-45.2 REPEALED. - §323D-45.2 REPEALED. L 1987, c 270, §15.
323D-45.3 Approval of applications required to meet safety, licensure, or accreditation standards. - §323D-45.3 Approval of applications required to meet safety, licensure, or...
323D-46 Conditional certification. - §323D-46 Conditional certification. The state agency shall provide by rules...
323D-46.1 REPEALED. - §323D-46.1 REPEALED. L 1984, c 267, §17.
323D-46.2 Withdrawal of a certificate of need. - §323D-46.2 Withdrawal of a certificate of need. (a) After the...
323D-47 Request for reconsideration. - §323D-47 Request for reconsideration. The state agency may provide by...
323D-48 Judicial review of state agency decisions. - §323D-48 Judicial review of state agency decisions. (a) If an...
323D-49 Certificates of need; licenses and permits. - §323D-49 Certificates of need; licenses and permits. (a) No permit...
323D-50 Certificates of need, penalties. - §323D-50 Certificates of need, penalties. (a) Any person who violates...
323D-51 Injunctive relief. - §323D-51 Injunctive relief. The state agency may, in the name...
323D-52 Letters of intent. - §323D-52 Letters of intent. Persons proposing construction projects shall submit...
323D-53 Periodic reports from health facilities. - §323D-53 Periodic reports from health facilities. Any health facility or...
323D-54 Exemptions from certificate of need requirements. - §323D-54 Exemptions from certificate of need requirements. Nothing in this...
323D-55 REPEALED. - §323D-55 REPEALED. L 1987, c 270, §16.
323D-61 Personnel. - Note Part redesignated by L 1976, c 152, §2. §323D-61...
323D-62 Rules. - §323D-62 Rules. The state agency and the statewide health coordinating...
323D-71 Definitions. - §323D-71 Definitions. For the purpose of this part, unless the...
323D-72 Acquisition of hospital. - §323D-72 Acquisition of hospital. (a) No person shall engage in...
323D-73 Notice; procedures. - §323D-73 Notice; procedures. (a) Within five working days after receipt...
323D-74 Hearings. - §323D-74 Hearings. (a) The agency, after consultation with the attorney...
323D-75 Review; decision; rules. - §323D-75 Review; decision; rules. (a) The attorney general shall conduct...
323D-76 Acquisition in the public interest; decision of attorney general. - §323D-76 Acquisition in the public interest; decision of attorney general....
323D-77 Acquisition; decision by agency. - §323D-77 Acquisition; decision by agency. In making a decision whether...
323D-78 Revocation; hearing. - §323D-78 Revocation; hearing. If the agency receives information indicating that...
323D-79 Public interest. - §323D-79 Public interest. The attorney general shall have the authority...
323D-80 License renewal. - §323D-80 License renewal. No license to operate a hospital may...
323D-81 Prior acquisitions. - §323D-81 Prior acquisitions. Any acquisition of a hospital before July...
323D-82 Maintenance of services. - §323D-82 Maintenance of services. A person who has acquired or...
323D-83 Statutory authority. - §323D-83 Statutory authority. No provision of this part shall derogate...