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302H-1 Hawaiian language medium education program; established. - §302H-1 Hawaiian language medium education program; established. The Hawaiian language...
302H-2 Attendance and eligibility. - §302H-2 Attendance and eligibility. All children of compulsory school age...
302H-3 Office of Hawaiian language medium education; personnel. - §302H-3 Office of Hawaiian language medium education; personnel. The department...
302H-4 Facilities or transportation. - §302H-4 Facilities or transportation. When fifteen or more qualified children...
302H-5 Student performance. - §302H-5 Student performance. The department of education may develop and...
302H-6 Hawaiian language medium state education agency; districts and complex areas. - §302H-6 Hawaiian language medium state education agency; districts and complex...
302H-7 Collaboration. - §302H-7 Collaboration. The department of education shall work collaboratively with...