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289-1 Definitions. - §289-1 Definitions. As used in this chapter: "Business" includes any...
289-2 Unlicensed person not to engage in business. - §289-2 Unlicensed person not to engage in business. It shall...
289-3 Application for a license. - §289-3 Application for a license. (a) Any person desiring to...
289-4 Issuance of license. - §289-4 Issuance of license. The director of finance shall file...
289-5 Suspension and revocation of license. - §289-5 Suspension and revocation of license. The director of finance...
289-6 Records to be kept. - §289-6 Records to be kept. Every licensee shall keep a...
289-7 Director of finance to maintain records. - §289-7 Director of finance to maintain records. The director of...
289-8 Penalties. - §289-8 Penalties. Whoever violates any of the provisions of this...