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263A-1 Implied consent of operator of aircraft to submit to testing to determine alcoholic content of blood. - §263A-1 Implied consent of operator of aircraft to submit to...
263A-2 Persons qualified to take blood specimen. - §263A-2 Persons qualified to take blood specimen. No person, other...
263A-3 Additional tests. - §263A-3 Additional tests. The person tested may select and allow...
263A-4 Consent of person incapable of refusal not withdrawn. - §263A-4 Consent of person incapable of refusal not withdrawn. The...
263A-5 Revocation of privilege to operate an aircraft upon refusal to submit to testing. - §263A-5 Revocation of privilege to operate an aircraft upon refusal...
263A-6 Hearing before a district judge. - §263A-6 Hearing before a district judge. A hearing to determine...
263A-7 Notice to Federal Aviation Administration. - §263A-7 Notice to Federal Aviation Administration. When it is determined...
263A-8 Test results to be collected. - §263A-8 Test results to be collected. The results of any...
263A-9 Applicable scope of chapter. - §263A-9 Applicable scope of chapter. Nothing in this chapter shall...
263A-10 Evidence of intoxication. - §263A-10 Evidence of intoxication. (a) In any criminal prosecution for...