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261E-1 Application of chapter; interstate or foreign commerce. - §261E-1 Application of chapter; interstate or foreign commerce. This chapter...
261E-2 Definitions. - §261E-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter: "Aircraft" means any...
261E-3 Exemptions; generally. - §261E-3 Exemptions; generally. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter,...
261E-4 Air carrier commission; establishment. - §261E-4 Air carrier commission; establishment. (a) There is established an...
261E-5 Staff. - §261E-5 Staff. The air carrier commission may appoint and employ,...
261E-6 General powers and duties. - §261E-6 General powers and duties. The air carrier commission shall...
261E-7 Investigative powers. - §261E-7 Investigative powers. (a) The air carrier commission shall have...
261E-8 Certificates of public convenience and necessity. - §261E-8 Certificates of public convenience and necessity. (a) Except as...
261E-9 Temporary authority. - §261E-9 Temporary authority. To enable the provision of service for...
261E-10 Transfer of certificates of public convenience and necessity; carrier property; control of carriers. - §261E-10 Transfer of certificates of public convenience and necessity; carrier...
261E-11 Suspension, change, and revocation of certificates. - §261E-11 Suspension, change, and revocation of certificates. (a) Certificates shall...
261E-12 Rates, fares, and other charges of air carriers. - §261E-12 Rates, fares, and other charges of air carriers. (a)...
261E-13 Tariffs. - §261E-13 Tariffs. (a) Every Hawaii air carrier shall file with...
261E-14 Investigation of unfair or deceptive practices. - §261E-14 Investigation of unfair or deceptive practices. The commission, upon...
261E-15 Issuance of securities; execution of leases. - §261E-15 Issuance of securities; execution of leases. A Hawaii air...
261E-16 Accounts, records, and reports. - §261E-16 Accounts, records, and reports. The air carrier commission may...
261E-17 Unlawful actions; penalties. - §261E-17 Unlawful actions; penalties. (a) Any person who knowingly and...
261E-18 Hearings. - §261E-18 Hearings. (a) Unless otherwise provided in this chapter, all...
261E-19 Review and appeals. - §261E-19 Review and appeals. (a) Within ten days after the...
261E-20 Existing service. - §261E-20 Existing service. (a) As of the effective date of...