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209-1 Definitions. - Cross References Hawaii hurricane relief fund, see chapter 431P. Other...
209-2 State disaster; determination by governor. - §209-2 State disaster; determination by governor. (a) After any sudden...
209-3 Duties of state and county department heads. - §209-3 Duties of state and county department heads. Whenever the...
209-4 Rehabilitation coordinator; authority. - §209-4 Rehabilitation coordinator; authority. The disaster relief and rehabilitation authorized...
209-5 Duties of coordinator. - §209-5 Duties of coordinator. The rehabilitation coordinator shall: (1) Provide...
209-6 Relation to other agencies. - §209-6 Relation to other agencies. This chapter is not intended,...
209-7 Closing of application date; position of coordinator terminated. - §209-7 Closing of application date; position of coordinator terminated. [(a)]...
209-8 Consideration of other recoveries. - §209-8 Consideration of other recoveries. In determining the eligibility of...
209-9 REPEALED. - §209-9 REPEALED. L 2014, c 111, §25.
209-10 Agricultural water systems; emergency power. - §209-10 Agricultural water systems; emergency power. When the governor has...
209-16 Housing relief. - §209-16 Housing relief. (a) Whenever the governor pursuant to section...
209-17 Use of funds in relation to federal projects. - §209-17 Use of funds in relation to federal projects. The...
209-26 Administration. - Note Part heading amended by L 1976, c 205, §1(2)....
209-27 Types of loans; participation. - §209-27 Types of loans; participation. The director of business, economic...
209-28 Purpose of loans. - §209-28 Purpose of loans. (a) Commercial loans may be made...
209-29 Eligibility for loans. - §209-29 Eligibility for loans. Loans may be made to individuals,...
209-30 Terms. - §209-30 Terms. (a) No loan shall include any portion or...
209-31 Security for loans. - §209-31 Security for loans. Security for any loan when not...
209-32 Conditions of loans. - §209-32 Conditions of loans. Every applicant who is granted a...
209-33 Default. - §209-33 Default. If the applicant is in default of any...
209-34 State disaster revolving loan fund. - §209-34 State disaster revolving loan fund. (a) There is established...
209-41 Disaster unemployment benefits. - §209-41 Disaster unemployment benefits. Whenever the governor declares a state...