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172-1 Department to list lands on which commutation payable; public notice; notice to pay. - §172-1 Department to list lands on which commutation payable; public...
172-2 Department to appraise lands; determine commutation; interest; lien. - §172-2 Department to appraise lands; determine commutation; interest; lien. The...
172-3 Enforcement of payment. - §172-3 Enforcement of payment. The attorney general shall proceed at...
172-4 General default. - §172-4 General default. If no person appears and answers within...
172-5 Hearing, foreclosure. - §172-5 Hearing, foreclosure. If in any case, an appearance is...
172-6 Proof. - §172-6 Proof. The award by the board of commissioners to...
172-7 Unsurveyed lands; listing by comptroller. - §172-7 Unsurveyed lands; listing by comptroller. The comptroller shall prepare...
172-8 Notice to owners to have boundaries determined. - §172-8 Notice to owners to have boundaries determined. Upon the...
172-9 Upon failure of owners, comptroller to have boundaries determined at owner's expense. - §172-9 Upon failure of owners, comptroller to have boundaries determined...
172-10 Enforcement of payment of expenses by owners. - §172-10 Enforcement of payment of expenses by owners. The attorney...
172-11 Land patents on land commission awards; to whom, for whose benefit. - §172-11 Land patents on land commission awards; to whom, for...
172-12 Land patents issued after boundary and commutation settled. - §172-12 Land patents issued after boundary and commutation settled. Upon...
172-13 Destruction, defacing or removal of survey monuments; penalty. - §172-13 Destruction, defacing or removal of survey monuments; penalty. It...