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166-1 Legislative findings. - §166-1 Legislative findings. The legislature finds that important agricultural lands...
166-2 Definitions. - §166-2 Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter: "Agricultural activities"...
166-3 Authority to plan, develop, and manage agricultural parks. - §166-3 Authority to plan, develop, and manage agricultural parks. The...
166-3.5 Commercial activity. - §166-3.5 Commercial activity. The department may allow, in each of...
166-4 Park development. - §166-4 Park development. Except as herein provided, the department may...
166-5 Joint ventures. - §166-5 Joint ventures. Any agricultural park developed by the department...
166-6 Disposition. - §166-6 Disposition. (a) Any provision of this chapter to the...
166-7 Applicants. - §166-7 Applicants. Any person, including a revocable living trust, partnership,...
166-8 Preference right. - §166-8 Preference right. Any person who is otherwise qualified to...
166-8.5 Rights of holders of security interests. - §166-8.5 Rights of holders of security interests. (a) For the...
166-9 Rules. - §166-9 Rules. The board shall adopt rules in accordance with...
166-10 Agricultural park special fund. - §166-10 Agricultural park special fund. (a) There is created in...
166-11 Lease negotiation. - §166-11 Lease negotiation. (a) The department of agriculture may negotiate...