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143-1 Definitions. - §143-1 Definitions. Whenever used in this chapter, unless the context...
143-2 License or microchip required. - §143-2 License or microchip required. It shall be unlawful for...
143-2.2 Microchip identification. - §143-2.2 Microchip identification. (a) An owner shall have a microchip...
143-2.5 Regulation of other animals. - §143-2.5 Regulation of other animals. Nothing in this chapter shall...
143-2.6 Animal desertion. It shall be unlawful for the owner of any animal or any person in possession of an animal that belongs to another person to leave the animal without the intention of returning to it. Any person who violates this section shal... - §143-2.6 Animal desertion. It shall be unlawful for the owner...
143-3 License fee controlled by ordinance. - §143-3 License fee controlled by ordinance. Except where licenses are...
143-4 Issuance of license and tags. - §143-4 Issuance of license and tags. Upon the receipt of...
143-5 Removal and imitation of dog tags. - §143-5 Removal and imitation of dog tags. It shall be...
143-6 Lost dog tags. - §143-6 Lost dog tags. If any license tag is lost...
143-7 Pounds and animal control officers. - §143-7 Pounds and animal control officers. The council of each...
143-8 Seizure and redemption of unlicensed dogs. - §143-8 Seizure and redemption of unlicensed dogs. Except where licensing...
143-9 Redemption of dog after sale. - §143-9 Redemption of dog after sale. The owner of any...
143-10 Stray dogs. - §143-10 Stray dogs. Every person who takes into the person's...
143-11 Redemption of stray licensed dogs. - §143-11 Redemption of stray licensed dogs. The owner of any...
143-12 Seizure and disposal of diseased dogs; penalty. - §143-12 Seizure and disposal of diseased dogs; penalty. Any police...
143-13 Destruction of diseased or unfit dogs. - §143-13 Destruction of diseased or unfit dogs. All dogs taken...
143-14 Female dogs. - §143-14 Female dogs. It shall be unlawful for the owner...
143-15 Contracts for seizing and impounding dogs. - §143-15 Contracts for seizing and impounding dogs. Any county may...
143-16 REPEALED. - §143-16 REPEALED. L 2021, c 4, §2.
143-17 Wrongful interference with officers. - §143-17 Wrongful interference with officers. It shall be unlawful for...
143-18 Unlawful disposition of impounded dogs. - §143-18 Unlawful disposition of impounded dogs. It shall be unlawful...
143-19 Penalty. - §143-19 Penalty. Any person violating any of the provisions of...
143-20 Reporting of dog or cat captured or killed in snare or trap. - §143-20 Reporting of dog or cat captured or killed in...