Hawaii Revised Statutes
78. Public Service
78-26 Leave sharing program.

§78-26 Leave sharing program. (a) The legislature, with regard to its employees, or the chief executive of a jurisdiction may establish a leave sharing program to allow employees to donate accumulated vacation leave credits to another employee within the same jurisdiction who has a serious personal illness or injury or who has a family member who has a serious personal illness or injury. The program shall allow employees who are not entitled to vacation leave to donate accumulated sick leave credits.
(b) The legislature, with regard to its employees, or the director of a jurisdiction desiring to establish a leave sharing program shall develop rules governing donors, recipients, and an approval process that ensures fair treatment and freedom from coercion of employees and imposes no undue hardship on the employer's operations. If it is administratively infeasible to allow leave sharing between different departments or different bargaining units, the rules may limit leave sharing to employees within the same department or same bargaining unit, as necessary. At a minimum, the rules shall require that an eligible recipient must have:
(1) No less than six months of service within the respective jurisdiction;
(2) Exhausted or is about to exhaust all vacation leave, sick leave, and compensatory time credits; provided that sick leave need not be exhausted when the illness or injury involves a family member;
(3) A personal illness or injury or a family member's illness or injury certified by a competent medical examiner as being serious and the cause of the recipient's inability to work; provided that the illness or injury is not covered under chapter 386 or, if covered, all benefits under chapter 386 have been exhausted; and
(4) No disciplinary record of sick leave abuse within the past two years.
Notwithstanding the requirements of chapter 91, the legislature may establish a leave sharing program for legislative employees, in accordance with this section, under policies adopted separately by each house of the legislature and each legislative service agency, or jointly by any combination of entities thereof. [L 2000, c 253, pt of §74; am L 2001, c 37, §2]

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 7. Public Officers and Employees

78. Public Service

78-1 Citizenship and residence; exceptions.

78-1.5 Definitions.

78-1.6 Office hours.

78-2, 2.5 REPEALED.

78-2.6 Prospective employees; suitability for public employment.

78-2.7 Criminal history record checks.

78-2.8 Public employees; termination.


78-3.1 Whistleblowers; notice.

78-3.5 Experimental modernization projects.

78-3.6 Experimental modernization projects; county boards of water supply.

78-4 Boards and commissions; service limited.

78-5, 6 REPEALED.

78-7 Certain public officers prohibited from receiving certain masterships and master's fees; forfeiture.

78-8 Persons subject to sections 78-8 to 78-11.

78-9 Failure to appear or testify, termination of employment.

78-10 Procedure upon default.

78-11 Review of discharge.

78-12 Salary withheld for indebtedness to the government.

78-13 Salary periods.

78-14 to 16 REPEALED.

78-16.5 Pay of officers and employees on active military service and other periods.

78-16.6 Nonforfeiture for absence. Every officer and employee of the State and the several counties who is a member of the Hawaii national guard or organized reserves, including the officers' reserve corps and the enlisted reserve corps, shall be ent...

78-17 Payment of salaries or wages upon discharge from service.


78-18.3 Prohibition on certain increases in salaries for certain state and county officers or employees.

78-18.5 REPEALED.


78-20 Sureties.

78-21 Limitation of liability.


78-23 Leaves of absence.

78-23.5 Paid leave for state and county employees providing disaster relief services for the American Red Cross.

78-23.6 Leave of absence to serve as bone marrow donor or organ donor.

78-24 Injured employee; liability of third persons.

78-25 Credits for employees receiving workers' compensation benefits; wage supplement.

78-26 Leave sharing program.

78-27 Temporary inter- and intra-governmental assignments and exchanges.

78-28 In-service training programs.

78-29 Incentive and service awards.

78-30 Cafeteria plans.

78-31 Paid leave; education of children.

78-32 Payment of approved travel costs for public officers and employees.


78-52 Peer support counseling; sessions.

78-53 Pretax transportation benefit program.

78-61 to 63 REPEALED.

78-64 New employees; orientation on benefits and rights.

78-65 County mayors; outside employment and emoluments prohibited.