Georgia Code
Chapter 7 - Control of Soil Erosion and Sedimentation
§ 12-7-10. Referral of Application and Plan to District; Time for Action

Except as otherwise provided by Code Section 12-7-7, immediately upon receipt of an application for a permit the application and plan for sediment and erosion control shall be referred to the appropriate district wherein such land-disturbing activities are proposed to take place, for its review and approval or disapproval concerning the adequacy of the erosion and sediment control plan proposed by the applicant. A district shall approve or disapprove a plan within 35 days of receipt. Failure of a district to act within 35 days shall be considered an approval of the pending plan.
History. Ga. L. 1975, p. 994, § 9; Ga. L. 1980, p. 942, § 6; Ga. L. 2003, p. 224, § 5.
Cross references.
Powers of districts generally, § 2-6-33 .

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 12 - Conservation and Natural Resources

Chapter 7 - Control of Soil Erosion and Sedimentation

§ 12-7-1. Short Title

§ 12-7-2. Legislative Findings; Policy of State and Intent of Chapter

§ 12-7-3. Definitions

§ 12-7-4. Adoption of Comprehensive Ordinances Relating to Land-Disturbing Activities; Delegation of Responsibility to Planning and Zoning Commission; Other Local Ordinances Relating to Land Development; Effect of Chapter on Design Professionals

§ 12-7-5. Adoption of Rules and Regulations for Localities Without Ordinances

§ 12-7-6. Best Management Practices; Compliance With Federal Law; Minimum Requirements for Rules, Regulations, Ordinances, or Resolutions

§ 12-7-7. Permit or Notice of Intent Required for Land-Disturbing Activities; Approval of Application and Issuance of Permit; Denial of Permit; Bond Requirement

§ 12-7-7.1. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Prepared; Completion; Implementation

§ 12-7-8. Certification of Locality as Local Issuing Authority; Periodic Review; Procedure for Revoking Certification; Enforcement Actions

§ 12-7-9. Applications for Permits; Erosion and Sediment Control Plans and Data; Time for Issuance or Denial

§ 12-7-10. Referral of Application and Plan to District; Time for Action

§ 12-7-11. Statement of Reasons for Denial of Permit Required; Conditions for Approval; Suspension, Revocation, or Modification of Permit

§ 12-7-12. Orders Directed to Violators; Stop Work Order Procedures

§ 12-7-13. Injunctions

§ 12-7-14. Actions to Restrain Imminent Danger; Emergency Orders; Duration of Effectiveness of Orders

§ 12-7-15. Civil Penalty

§ 12-7-16. Hearings and Review

§ 12-7-17. Exemptions

§ 12-7-18. Effect of Chapter on Requirements of the “Georgia Water Quality Control act.”

§ 12-7-19. Education and Training Requirements; Required Programs; Instructor Qualifications; Expiration of Certification

§ 12-7-20. Creation of Stakeholder Advisory Board; Responsibilities; Procedures

§ 12-7-21. Appointment of Panel to Study Controls Implemented Pursuant to Chapter; Procedure and Operation of Panel

§ 12-7-22. Electronic Filing and Reporting System