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361.10 - Purpose. - History.—s. 1, ch. 75-200.
361.11 - Definitions. - (1) “Project” means a joint electric power supply project and...
361.12 - Joint electric power supply project. - (1) Any other electric utility; (2) Any organization, association, or...
361.13 - Powers. - (1) To plan, finance, acquire, construct, purchase, operate, maintain, use,...
361.14 - Limitation on joint ownership of project or output thereof. - History.—s. 5, ch. 75-200; s. 6, ch. 82-53.
361.15 - Issuance of bonds. - History.—s. 6, ch. 75-200.
361.16 - Powers supplemental. - History.—s. 7, ch. 75-200.
361.17 - Project taxing power; interests subject to taxation. - History.—s. 8, ch. 75-200.
361.18 - Construction. - (1) The provisions of this part, being necessary for the...