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Section 1 - (f) When not otherwise provided for in this constitution, the...
Section 2 - There shall be a lieutenant governor, who shall perform such...
Section 3 - (b) Upon impeachment of the governor and until completion of...
Section 4 - (g) The governor as chair, the chief financial officer, the...
Section 5 - (b) When elected, the governor, lieutenant governor and each cabinet...
Section 6 - (b) Boards authorized to grant and revoke licenses to engage...
Section 7 - (c) By order of the governor any elected municipal officer...
Section 8 - (c) There may be created by law a parole and...
Section 9 - There shall be a fish and wildlife conservation commission, composed...
Section 10 - The attorney general shall, as directed by general law, request...
Section 11 - The legislature, by general law, shall provide for a Department...
Section 12 - The legislature may create a Department of Elderly Affairs and...
Section 13 - In the event of revenue shortfalls, as defined by general...