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§ 49–501. Designation of military courts - The military courts of the District of Columbia shall be:...
§ 49–502. Courts of inquiry - Courts of inquiry, to consist of not more than 3...
§ 49–503. General courts-martial - General courts-martial for the trial of commissioned officers or enlisted...
§ 49–504. Constitution; jurisdiction; procedure - The constitution and jurisdiction of military courts, the form and...
§ 49–505. Prosecution of members prohibited - No action or proceeding shall be prosecuted or maintained against...
§ 49–506. Jurisdiction to be presumed - The jurisdiction of the courts and boards established by this...
§ 49–507. Witnesses; compulsory attendance - Every person not belonging to the National Guard of the...
§ 49–508. Execution of sentences - The sentences of said courts, whether of fine or imprisonment,...
§ 49–509. Warrants for arrest of accused - Whenever it shall appear to a regularly constituted court-martial convened...