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§ 49–101. Drill, parade, encampment or required duty - Any drill, parade, encampment or duty that is required, ordered,...
§ 49–102. Prescribing drills - The Commanding General shall prescribe such stated drills and parades...
§ 49–103. Suppression of riots - When there is in the District of Columbia a tumult,...
§ 49–104. Excuse for physical disability; penalty for absence - No officer or soldier of the National Guard, when ordered...
§ 49–105. Parades to have right-of-way - The United States forces or troops, or any portion of...
§ 49–106. Rules for parades and encampments - Every commanding officer, when on duty, may ascertain and fix...
§ 49–107. Camp duty - The National Guard shall perform not less than 6 consecutive...