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Subchapter I - District of Columbia Mental Health Services
§ 44–901. Findings and purposes - (a) The Congress makes the following findings: (1) Governmentally administered...
§ 44–902. Definitions - For the purpose of this subchapter: (1) The term “Hospital”...
§ 44–903. Development of plan for mental health system for the District - (a)(1) Subject to subsection (g) of this section and §...
§ 44–904. Congressional review of system implementation plan - (a) The Committee on the District of Columbia of the...
§ 44–905. Transition provisions for employees of the Hospital - (a) Employees of the Hospital directly affected by the assumption...
§ 44–906. Conditions of employment for former employees of the Hospital - (a) Each individual accepting employment without a break in service...
§ 44–907. Property transfer - (a)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection,...
§ 44–908. Financing provisions - (a) There are authorized to be appropriated for grants by...
§ 44–909. Buy American provisions - (a) Generally. — The Mayor shall insure that the requirements...
Subchapter II - Mental Health Services Client Enterprise Program
§ 44–921. Establishment; expenses; revolving fund; audit - (a) The Mayor is authorized to establish an enterprise program...
§ 44–922. Rules - The Mayor may issue rules to implement the provisions of...