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§ 42–3671.01. Definitions - For the purposes of this chapter, the term: (1) “Advertisement”...
§ 42–3671.02. Consumer rights - (a) At consummation, the consumer shall have the right to...
§ 42–3671.03. General requirements of disclosures - (a) The lessor shall disclose to the consumer the information...
§ 42–3671.04. Disclosures - (a) For each lease-purchase agreement, the lessor shall disclose in...
§ 42–3671.05. Maintenance of the property - During the rental term, the lessor shall maintain the property...
§ 42–3671.06. Prohibited practices - A lease-purchase agreement shall not contain: (1) A confession of...
§ 42–3671.07. Reinstatement - (a) A consumer who fails to make a timely rental...
§ 42–3671.08. Receipts and accounts - A lessor shall provide to the consumer a written receipt...
§ 42–3671.09. Renegotiations and extension - (a) Renegotiation shall occur when an existing lease-purchase agreement is...
§ 42–3671.10. Advertising - (a) If an advertisement for a lease-purchase agreement refers to,...
§ 42–3671.11. Price cards - (a) Each item displayed or offered under a lease-purchase agreement...
§ 42–3671.12. Civil remedies for consumers - (a) A lessor who fails to comply with a requirement...
§ 42–3671.13. Limitation of actions - A civil action under this chapter may be brought in...
§ 42–3671.14. Effect of unintentional violation and timely adjustment of error - (a) A lessor shall not be liable under § 42-3671.12...