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Chapter 1 - Merchant’s Civil Recovery for Criminal Conduct
Subchapter I - Merchant’s Civil Recovery for Criminal Conduct
§ 27–101. Definitions - For purposes of this subchapter, the term: (1) “Fraud” shall...
§ 27–102. Liability and damages - (a) Anyone who commits an offense of fraud, shoplifting, or...
§ 27–103. Criminal proceedings - (a) The recovery of damages from the alleged offender shall...
§ 27–104. Merchant’s options - (a) A merchant who suffers damages as a result of...
§ 27–105. Jurisdiction - A suit for damages and penalties may be brought in...
§ 27–106. Attorney’s fees - Attorneys’ fees and costs shall be awarded under this subchapter...
Subchapter II - Private Contractor and Subcontractor Prompt Payment
§ 27–131. Definitions - For the purposes of this subchapter, the term: (1) “Contract”...
§ 27–132. Prompt payments to contractors - (a) If a construction contract between an owner and contractor...
§ 27–133. Failure to make prompt payments to a contractor - If an owner fails to make prompt payments to a...
§ 27–134. Prompt payments to subcontractors - (a) If a contract is between a contractor and subcontractor,...
§ 27–135. Failure to make prompt payments to a subcontractor - If a contractor fails to make prompt payments to a...
§ 27–136. Applicability - This subchapter shall apply to all contracts entered into on...