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Part A - General
§ 50–2209.01. Authorized; violations as moving violations; evidence; definition - (a) The Mayor is authorized to use an automated traffic...
§ 50–2209.02. Liability for fines; notice of infraction; hearing - (a) Absent an intervening criminal or fraudulent act, the owner...
§ 50–2209.03. Agreement with private entity to provide records and services - The Mayor may enter an agreement with a private entity...
§ 50–2209.04. Access to automated traffic enforcement and District-owned camera photographs and video footage - (a) If an automated traffic enforcement camera or other District-owned...
§ 50–2209.05. ATE Reporting to Council - Beginning January 1, 2021, the District Department of Transportation, in...
Part B - Automated Enforcement Expansion Plan
§ 50–2209.11. Automated enforcement expansion plan - (a) Not later than April 1, 2013, the Mayor shall...