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Part A - Purpose and Scope; Definitions
§ 44–531.01. Purpose and scope - The purpose of this subchapter is to require licensure of...
§ 44–531.02. Definitions - For the purposes of this subchapter: (1)(A) "Ambulatory Surgical Treatment...
Part B - Licensure of Ambulatory Surgical Treatment Centers
§ 44–532.01. License required - No person shall operate an Ambulatory Surgical Treatment Center without...
§ 44–532.02. Application - Application for license to operate a center shall be made...
§ 44–532.03. Financial responsibility - Each applicant for a surgical center license shall, as a...
§ 44–532.04. Refusal to Issue or Renew License; Revocation or Suspension - The Mayor may refuse to issue, or to renew, or...
§ 44–532.05. Notice and hearings - When the Mayor determines that there are grounds for denial,...
Part C - Center Administration and Management
§ 44–533.01. Organization of center - (a) Each surgical center shall have a governing board formally...
§ 44–533.02. Center operation - Responsibility for operation of the center shall rest with the...
§ 44–533.03. Staffing - Each center shall have an administrator and a medical director....
§ 44–533.04. Pre-operative requirements - (a) A current statement in writing indicating informed consent and...
§ 44–533.05. Post-operative requirements - (a) Each center shall establish a program to ensure post...
§ 44–533.06. Center records and report requirements - (a) Accurate and complete clinical records shall be maintained for...
Part D - Center Equipment and Maintenance
§ 44–534.01. Supplies and equipment for care - There shall be sufficient equipment for patient care according to...
§ 44–534.02. Environmental health standards - (a) Persons responsible for maintenance of the physical plant, including...
Part E - Micellaneous Povisions
§ 44–535.01. Inspection - The Mayor shall have the right to inspect any facility...
§ 44–535.02. Prohibitions - (a) No surgical procedure requiring general anesthesia shall be performed...
§ 44–535.03. Penalty - Any person violating any provision of these regulations shall be...
§ 44–535.04. Severability - Any paragraph or subparagraph or any elements thereof of any...