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Section L - The President of this Convention, immediately on its adjournment, shall...
Section 2 - This amended Constitution shall take effect on the tenth day...
Section 3 - At the general election to be held in the year...
Section 4 - [Transferred to § 3 of Article II]
Section 5 - The first general election under this amended Constitution shall be...
Section 6 - The term of office of the present Governor shall not...
Section 7 - Unless otherwise provided by this amended Constitution or Schedule, all...
Section 8 - [Transferred to § 24 of Article III.]
Section 9 - All suits, proceedings and matters which, on the said tenth...
Section 10 - Unless otherwise provided, the Registers' Courts and the jurisdiction of...
Section 11 - If the Chancellor, Chief Justice or any Judge in office...
Section 12 - The first biennial session of the General Assembly under this...
Section 13 - The provisions of Section 15 of Article II of this...
Section 14 - Until the General Assembly shall enact a general incorporation law...
Section 15 - Until the General Assembly shall otherwise provide, guardians' accounts shall...
Section 16 - Unless otherwise provided by this amended Constitution or Schedule, the...
Section 17 - One or more vacancies in the Board of Pardons shall...
Section 18 - All the laws of this State existing at the time...
Section 19 - The General Assembly, as soon as conveniently may be after...