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Subchapter I. General Provisions
§ 101. State militia; name. - The active militia of this State shall be organized and...
§ 102. Definitions. - As used in this chapter: (1) “National Defense Act” means...
§ 103. Conformity with federal statutes; powers of Governor. - The National Guard of this State shall conform to federal...
§ 104. Rules and regulations. - (a) In order to fulfill the purposes of this chapter,...
§ 105. Uniforms, arms and equipment. - The Delaware National Guard shall be uniformed, armed and equipped,...
§ 106. Disbanding of unit incapacitated to discharge its duties. - If it appears to the Commander in Chief that a...
§ 107. Bills and allowances; how paid. - No bill or allowance, on account of the Delaware National...
§ 108. Donations to National Guard. - (a) Any county, municipality or corporation in this State may...
§ 109. Delaware National Guard Counterdrug Task Force. - For purposes of transfers of property forfeited to the United...
Subchapter II. Department of Military Affairs
§ 121. Established; composition. - The Delaware National Guard, the Delaware State Defense Forces and...
§ 122. Adjutant General; appointment; qualifications. - (a) The Governor shall appoint an Adjutant General, with the...
§ 123. Adjutant General — Powers and duties. - The Adjutant General shall be responsible to the Commander in...
§ 124. Assistant Adjutants General — Rank; appointment; qualifications. - The Adjutant General will be assisted by an Assistant Adjutant...
§ 125. Assistant Adjutants General — Duties in absence or disability of Adjutant General. - In case of absence or disability of the Adjutant General...
§ 127. Military staff of Governor. - The military staff of the Governor shall consist of the...
§ 128. Duties of Department of Military Affairs. - The Department of Military Affairs shall assist the Adjutant General...
§ 129. Commissioned and warrant officers; oath and term of appointment. - All officers known as commissioned officers and warrant officers, appointed...
§ 130. Regulations as to appointment of officers and other matters. - The Governor of this State may issue such regulations governing...
§ 131. Enlistment and oath. - Enlistment and oath of enlistment in the National Guard of...
§ 132. Death of veteran personnel; state flags to half-staff. - If any unit of the Delaware National Guard learns of...
§ 134. Retirement of officers and enlisted personnel — Rights of retired officers and enlisted personnel. - Retired officers and enlisted personnel shall be borne on the...
§ 135. Oaths and affirmations; who may administer; false swearing. - (a) General, field, commissioned and warrant officers may administer oaths...
§ 136. State armories and arsenals; use; rentals; payment of orders; application for federal funds. - (a) The Adjutant General shall determine the use of armories...
Subchapter III. Property; Accountability, Misappropriation and Injury
§ 141. Property accountability. - (a) Any officer, enlisted member, employee or agent of the...
§ 142. Arms and property to be deposited on order of proper officer; penalty; notice; lost or damaged arms or equipment. - (a) All arms, equipment or other property furnished to organizations...
§ 143. Recovery of arms and property of disbanded company. - Upon disbandment of any company or organization which has received...
§ 144. Enforcement; jurisdiction; appearance through designated officer. - (a) The Justice of the Peace Courts shall have jurisdiction...
Subchapter IV. Courts-Martial and Sentences
§ 151. Kinds of courts-martial; procedures; jurisdiction; Military Judges; Judge Advocates. - (a) Courts-martial shall be of 3 kinds: (1) Convictions by...
§ 152. General courts-martial. - (a) The Governor or Adjutant General may convene a general...
§ 153. Special courts-martial. - (a) A commander of the rank of O-6 (Colonel), the...
§ 154. Summary courts-martial. - (a) A commander of any unit of the Delaware National...
§ 155. Penalties. - (a) When not in federal service under Title 10 of...
§ 156. Sentences which require Governor's approval. - When not in federal service under Title 10 of the...
§ 157. Process. - The President, Military Judge, or Summary Court Officer of any...
§ 158. Disobedience of subpoenas. - (a) Any member of the Delaware National Guard who fails...
§ 159. Payment of fines. - (a) Upon approval of the sentence of any court-martial to...
§ 162. Violation of duties by sheriffs, constables and wardens. - Whoever, being a sheriff, constable or prison warden neglects or...
§ 163. Nonjudicial punishment. - Any commanding officer of the Delaware National Guard, not in...
Subchapter V. Calling Out of National Guard
§ 171. Governor as Commander in Chief; call out of National Guard for state duty. - (a) When the Governor has determined that it is in...
§ 172. Proclamation of state of insurrection. - Whenever any portion of the Delaware National Guard is employed...
§ 173. Requisition for military force; neglect to respond to notice. - All requisitions for military force shall be made known to...
§ 175. Exemption from arrest; right-of-way. - No person belonging to the military forces of this State...
§ 176. Rules governing troops when called into service. - Whenever the troops are called into active federal duty, the...
§ 177. Bounds from which civilians are excluded; offenses of civilians; penalties; jurisdiction. - (a) After the Delaware National Guard has been called out...
§ 178. Immunity from civil and criminal liability. - (a) Neither this State, nor the National Guard of the...
§ 179. Waiver of late fees for state-issued licenses. - (a) No National Guard member or reservist who is called...
Subchapter VI. Service Pay, Disability Compensation and Company Appropriations
§ 181. Service pay and expenses during emergency service - (a) For every day of service while on State duty...
§ 182. Disability and death benefits for injury or death occurring in service of the State. - (a) As used in this section, the phrase “service of...
§ 184. Unit fund grant. - The Delaware National Guard shall receive an appropriation annually for...
§ 185. Exemption from state merit system. - Personnel employed by the State to support the operations and...
§ 187. Service Members' Life Insurance Reimbursement Fund. - (a) The “Service Members' Life Insurance Reimbursement Fund” is created...
§ 188. . . State-sponsored life insurance. - All members of the Delaware National Guard will be entitled...