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§ 3581. Definitions [For application of this section, see 82 Del. Laws, c. 44, § 3]. - For purposes of this subchapter, the following definitions apply: (1)...
§ 3582 . Disclosure and review of pre-authorization requirements. - (a) A utilization review entity shall make any current pre-authorization...
§ 3583 . Utilization review entity's obligations with respect to pre-authorizations in nonemergency circumstances. - (a) If a utilization review entity requires pre-authorization of a...
§ 3584. Utilization review entity's obligations with respect to pre-authorization concerning emergency health-care services. - A utilization review entity must follow all emergency procedures and...
§ 3585. Retrospective denial. - The utilization review entity may not revoke, limit, condition or...
§ 3586. Length of pre-authorization. - (a) A pre-authorization for pharmaceuticals shall be valid for 1...
§ 3587. Electronic standards for pharmaceutical pre-authorization. - No later than January 1, 2018, the insurer must accept...
§ 3588. Health-care services deemed preauthorized if a utilization review entity fails to comply with the requirements of this subchapter. - Any failure by a utilization review entity to comply with...
§ 3589. Waiver prohibited. - The provisions of this subchapter cannot be waived by contract...
§ 3590. Exemptions. - This subchapter shall not apply to policies or contracts designed...
§ 3591. Step therapy exception process [For application of this section, see 82 Del. Laws, c. 44, § 3]. - (a) When coverage of a prescription drug for the treatment...