Delaware Code
Subchapter I. General Provisions
§ 8521. Access to files.

Only employees of the Bureau and persons specifically authorized by the Director shall have access to the files or records of the Bureau. No such file or record or information shall be disclosed by any person so authorized except to officials as in this subchapter provided.

Structure Delaware Code

Delaware Code

Title 11 - Crimes and Criminal Procedure


Subchapter I. General Provisions

§ 8501. Purpose of subchapter.

§ 8502. Definitions.

§ 8503. Function; administration; appointment of Director.

§ 8504. Personnel.

§ 8505. Duty to provide security of criminal history record information and security investigations.

§ 8506. Duty to maintain complete and accurate records; performance of annual audit.

§ 8507. Information to be supplied by law-enforcement officers.

§ 8508. Information to be supplied by court officials.

§ 8509. Information to be supplied by heads of institutions.

§ 8510. Information to be supplied by Department of Correction and Division of Youth Rehabilitative Services.

§ 8510A. Information to be supplied by Division of Professional Regulation.

§ 8511. Time period for submission of required information.

§ 8512. Access to institutions and public records.

§ 8513. Dissemination of criminal history record information.

§ 8515. Furnishing information of injured or deceased persons.

§ 8516. Furnishing information without application.

§ 8517. Local assistance.

§ 8518. Scientific crime detection laboratory.

§ 8519. Certified copies of records.

§ 8520. Annual report.

§ 8521. Access to files.

§ 8522. Authority to take fingerprints, photographs and other data.

§ 8523. Penalties.

§ 8524. Admissible evidence.

§ 8525. Information voluntarily supplied by individuals.

§ 8526. Voluntary fingerprinting of certain school children.

§ 8527. Criminal history background checks; state and/or federal CHRI reports; receipt by government agencies; procedures.