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Section 8-240k. - Community economic development program. Establishment of entity. - (a) As used in this section and section 8-240l, “low...
Section 8-240l. - Board of directors. Duties. Goals. Establishment of affiliates. Provision of financial assistance. - (a) The entity created pursuant to subsection (b) of section...
Section 8-240m. - Financial assistance. - (a) The state, acting by and through the Commissioner of...
Section 8-240n. - Annual report. - On or before the second Wednesday after the convening of...
Section 8-240o. - Definitions. - As used in sections 8-240p to 8-240s, inclusive, and 32-235:...
Section 8-240p. - Pilot microloan program for microenterprises. - There is established a pilot microloan program for microenterprises under...
Section 8-240q. - Eligible activities for grants under pilot microloan program for microenterprises. - The grants provided under section 8-240p shall be used to:...
Section 8-240r. - Criteria for grants to microloan generating organizations. - The Community Economic Development Fund or any other regional revolving...
Section 8-240s. - Report. - Not later than June 30, 2007, the Community Economic Development...