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Section 7-381. - Definitions. - Whenever used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:...
Section 7-382. - Adoption of uniform fiscal year. Budget and tax adjustments. Forfeiture for noncompliance. - (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of any special act to the...
Section 7-383. - Due date of tax levy. - The first installment of the general property tax levy of...
Section 7-384. - Issuance of bonds and notes by complying municipalities. - Each complying municipality may enact an ordinance, authorizing the issuance...
Section 7-385. - Maturity of bonds. - All bonds issued under the provisions of this chapter shall...
Section 7-386. - Validity of bonds. - Any bonds reciting that they are issued pursuant to this...
Section 7-387. - Change of term of elected officials. - Section 7-387 is repealed. (1949 Rev., S. 817; 1953, S....
Section 7-388. - Annual budget meetings. - Any municipality complying with the provisions of this chapter shall,...
Section 7-389. - Financing of change in fiscal year. - (a) Any municipality proposing a change in its fiscal year...
Section 7-390. - Publication of budget. Statements by municipalities adopting uniform fiscal years. - Each municipality adopting the provisions of this chapter shall publish,...