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Section 7-234. - Operation of system, when. Payment of expenses. Waiver of acquisition rights. - Any town, city or borough or district organized for municipal...
Section 7-235. - Revenue bonds. - The legislative body of any municipality described in section 7-234,...
Section 7-236. - Issuance of bonds. - The legislative body shall determine the form of such bonds,...
Section 7-237. - Sinking fund. - The legislative body shall provide for the establishment, from the...
Section 7-238. - Trust indenture. - In the discretion of the legislative body, such bonds may...
Section 7-239. - Rates for use. Liens. Assignment of liens. Powers and rights of assignee. Contract to memorialize assignment required. Notice of assignment. Notice prior to commencing an action to foreclose lien. - (a) The legislative body shall establish just and equitable rates...
Section 7-240. - Separate accounts. - A separate account shall be kept by the municipality of...
Section 7-241. - Additional bonds. - Additional bonds may be issued in the discretion of the...
Section 7-242. - Issuance of refunding bonds. - Refunding revenue bonds may be issued in the same manner...
Section 7-243. - Receiver. - If there is a default in the payment of the...
Section 7-244. - Sales at less than par. Tax exemption. - Such bonds may be sold at not less than ninety...
Section 7-244a. - Temporary notes. Methods of payment. - (a) In addition to its other powers described under this...