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Section 42-144. - Definitions. - As used in this chapter: (a) “Advertisement” includes the attempt...
Section 42-145. - Contingent consideration void. - The advertisement for sale, lease or rent, or the actual...
Section 42-146. - Commissioner's powers to enforce. - (a) In the discharge of the duties imposed by this...
Section 42-147. - Conciliation and voluntary compliance. - In the administration of this chapter, the commissioner shall set...
Section 42-148. - Judicial enforcement. - Whenever the commissioner has reason to believe that any person...
Section 42-149. - Injunctive relief, costs, other remedies. - (a) A person likely to be damaged by any practice...
Section 42-150. - Powers granted under chapter not exclusive. - Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed as a...
Section 42-150a to 42-150t. - Reserved for future use. - Note: Chapters 741a and 741b are also reserved for future...