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Section 4-125. - “Public Works Department” or “Public Works Commissioner” construed as “Department of Administrative Services” or “Commissioner of Administrative Services”, when. - Section 4-125 is repealed. (March, 1950, S. 1896d; P.A. 77-614,...
Section 4-126a. - Janitors of courthouses. - Section 4-126a is repealed. (1959, P.A. 152, S. 67; P.A....
Section 4-127 and 4-127a. - Citizens' Advisory Council on Public Works. Agencies to furnish information to commissioner; certification re availability of space as shown on inventory. - Sections 4-127 and 4-127a are repealed. (March, 1950, S. 1898d;...
Section 4-129. - Office space for the press. - Section 4-129 is repealed. (1949 Rev., S. 202; March, 1950,...
Section 4-136. - Building to house Rex Brasher paintings. - Section 4-136 is repealed. (March, 1950, S. 1904d; 1959, P.A....
Section 4-137. - Reimbursement of fire districts or departments for 1955 flood losses. - Obsolete. (November, 1955, S. N181.)