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Section 33-218. - Definitions. - Cooperative” means any corporation organized under this chapter or which...
Section 33-219. - Purposes. Exceptions. Utilization of cogeneration technology and renewable energy resources. - (a) Cooperative, nonprofit, membership corporations may be organized under this...
Section 33-220. - Name. - The name of a cooperative shall include the words “Electric”...
Section 33-221. - Powers. - A cooperative shall have power, subject to the limitations of...
Section 33-222. - Incorporators. - Five or more natural persons who are residents of Connecticut...
Section 33-223. - Articles of incorporation. - Articles of incorporation of a cooperative shall recite that they...
Section 33-224. - Bylaws. - The board of trustees shall adopt the first bylaws of...
Section 33-225. - Members. - Each incorporator of a cooperative shall be a member thereof,...
Section 33-226. - Meetings of members. - (a) An annual meeting of the members of a cooperative...
Section 33-227. - Waiver of notice. - Any person entitled to notice of a meeting may waive...
Section 33-228. - Board of trustees. - (a) The business of a cooperative shall be managed by...
Section 33-229. - Officers. - The officers of a cooperative shall consist of a president,...
Section 33-230. - Amendment of articles of incorporation. - A cooperative may amend its articles of incorporation by complying...
Section 33-231. - Change of location of principal office. - A cooperative may, upon authorization of its board of trustees...
Section 33-232. - Dissolution. - (a) A cooperative which has not commenced business may be...
Section 33-233. - Filing of articles. - Articles of incorporation, amendment or dissolution, when executed and acknowledged...
Section 33-234. - Fees. - The Secretary of the State shall charge and collect the...
Section 33-235. - Refunds to members. - Revenues of a cooperative for any fiscal year in excess...
Section 33-236. - Disposition of property. - (a) The board of trustees of a cooperative shall have...
Section 33-237. - Nonliability of members for debts of cooperative. - No member shall be liable or responsible for any debts...
Section 33-238. - Recordation of mortgages; effect thereof. - Any mortgage, deed of trust or other instrument executed by...
Section 33-239. - Trustees, officers or members may take acknowledgments. - No person authorized to take acknowledgments under the laws of...
Section 33-240. - License fee. Exemption from excise and income taxes. - Each cooperative doing business in this state pursuant to this...
Section 33-240a. - Liability for taxation, when. - Notwithstanding section 33-240, an electric cooperative organized under this chapter,...
Section 33-241. - Exemption from jurisdiction of Public Utilities Regulatory Authority. - Cooperatives doing business in this state pursuant to this chapter...
Section 33-242. - Securities act exemption. - The provisions of chapter 651 shall not apply to any...