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Section 33-182a. - Definitions. - As used in this chapter: (1) “Professional service” means any...
Section 33-182b. - Corporations organized under other law. - This chapter shall not apply to any corporation organized prior...
Section 33-182c. - Organization. - (a) Any person or group of persons licensed or otherwise...
Section 33-182d. - Services to be rendered by licensed persons only. - No corporation organized and incorporated under this chapter may render...
Section 33-182e. - Effect on relationships and liabilities. - Nothing contained in this chapter shall be interpreted to abolish,...
Section 33-182f. - Limitation on business of corporation. - No corporation organized under this chapter shall engage in any...
Section 33-182g. - Limitation on issuance or transfer of capital stock. Voting trust agreements restricted. - No corporation organized under the provisions of this chapter may...
Section 33-182h. - Corporate name. - The corporate name of a corporation organized under this chapter...
Section 33-182i. - Applicability of corporation law. Consolidation; merger. - Chapter 601 is applicable to a corporation organized pursuant to...
Section 33-182j. - Applicability of other law. - The provisions of this chapter shall not be construed as...
Section 33-182k. - Foreign professional corporation required to obtain certificate of authority. - A foreign professional corporation transacting business in this state shall...
Section 33-182l. - Professional service fees. - The annual fee for the provision of professional services, as...