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Section 15-120aa. - Definitions. - As used in sections 15-120aa to 15-120oo, inclusive: (1) “Authority”...
Section 15-120bb. - Connecticut Airport Authority. Board of directors. Executive director. Advisory committee. - (a) There is hereby established and created a body politic...
Section 15-120cc. - Duties and powers. - (a) The authority shall have the duty, power and authority...
Section 15-120dd. - Written procedures. Nonbudgeted expenditures. Surety bond or equivalent insurance product. - (a) The board of directors of the authority shall adopt...
Section 15-120ee. - Audits. - The board of directors of the Connecticut Airport Authority shall...
Section 15-120ff. - Bonds and notes. - (a) The authority may authorize the issuance of bonds in...
Section 15-120gg. - Refunding bonds. Bond anticipation notes. - (a) Any bonds issued by the authority under sections 15-120aa...
Section 15-120hh. - Notes and bonds to be tax-exempt. Legal securities. - (a) It is hereby determined that the purposes of sections...
Section 15-120ii. - Rates, rents, fees and charges. Annual operating budget. - (a) Notwithstanding any provision of the general statutes to the...
Section 15-120jj. - State pledge re bonds or notes. - The state of Connecticut does hereby pledge to and agree...
Section 15-120kk. - Annual reports. Audits. - On or before December fifteenth each year, the authority shall...
Section 15-120ll. - Authority as successor agency. Memoranda of understanding. - (a) To the extent that the authority is authorized by...
Section 15-120mm. - Employees. - (a) The authority shall be a successor employer to the...
Section 15-120nn. - Operation and management of airports. - (a) The authority shall have entire charge, control, operation and...
Section 15-120oo. - Bureau of Aviation. - The commissioner shall establish a Bureau of Aviation to which...
Section 15-120pp. - Airport development zone report. - Section 15-120pp is repealed, effective July 2, 2015. (Oct. Sp....
Section 15-120qq. - Indemnification for title defects or environmental issues re airport properties. - (a) The state shall hold harmless and indemnify the Connecticut...
Section 15-120rr. - Exemption from taxes. - The exercise of the powers granted by sections 15-120aa to...
Section 15-120ss. - Payments representing property tax for property at Bradley International Airport. - (a) For assessment years commencing on and after October 1,...