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Section 15-31a. - Connecticut Port Authority. Board of directors. Executive director. Audits. Annual reports. - (a) There is hereby established and created a body politic...
Section 15-31b. - Purposes. Duties and powers. - (a) The purposes of the Connecticut Port Authority shall be...
Section 15-31c. - Bonds and notes. Special capital reserve fund. - (a) The Connecticut Port Authority may authorize the issuance of...
Section 15-31d. - Refunding bonds. Bond anticipation notes. - (a) Any bonds issued by the authority under sections 15-31c...
Section 15-31e. - Notes and bonds to be tax exempt. - (a) It is hereby determined that the purposes of sections...
Section 15-31f. - State pledge re bonds or notes. - The state of Connecticut does hereby pledge to and agree...
Section 15-31g. - Tax exemption. Grants in lieu of taxes. - The exercise of the powers granted by sections 15-31a to...
Section 15-31h. - Memorandum of understanding with the Department of Economic and Community Development. - The Department of Economic and Community Development and the Connecticut...
Section 15-31i. - Memorandum of understanding with the Department of Transportation and the Treasurer. - (a) The Connecticut Port Authority and the Commissioner of Transportation...
Section 15-31j. - Projects undertaken regarding ports not located in New Haven, New London or Bridgeport. Bond Authorization. - (a) The State Bond Commission shall authorize the issuance of...
Section 15-31k. - Quarterly reports. - On or before October 1, 2021, and quarterly thereafter, the...