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Section 1-57. - Definitions. Authorized officers. - For the purposes of this chapter, “notarial acts” means acts...
Section 1-58. - Proof of authority to perform notarial act. - (a) If the notarial act is performed by any of...
Section 1-59. - Certification by person taking acknowledgment. - The person taking an acknowledgment shall certify that: (1) The...
Section 1-60. - Form of certificate. - The form of a certificate of acknowledgment used by a...
Section 1-61. - “Acknowledged before me” defined. - The words “acknowledged before me” mean: (1) That the person...
Section 1-62. - Statutory short forms of acknowledgment. - The forms of acknowledgment set forth in this section may...
Section 1-63. - Prior acts unaffected. Method additional. - A notarial act performed prior to October 1, 1969, is...
Section 1-64. - Uniform interpretation. - This chapter shall be so interpreted as to make uniform...
Section 1-65. - Short title: Uniform Recognition of Acknowledgments Act. - This chapter may be cited as the “Uniform Recognition of...
Section 1-65a to 1-65z. - Reserved for future use. - Note: Chapter 8a is also reserved for future use.