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Part 1 - Firearms and Weapons - General
§ 18-12-101. Peace Officer Affirmative Defense - Definitions - Source: L. 71: R&RE, p. 481, § 1. C.R.S. 1963:...
§ 18-12-102. Possessing a Dangerous or Illegal Weapon - Affirmative Defense - Definition - Source: L. 71: R&RE, p. 482, § 1. C.R.S. 1963:...
§ 18-12-103. Possession of a Defaced Firearm - A person commits a class 1 misdemeanor if he knowingly...
§ 18-12-103.5. Defaced Firearms - Contraband - Destruction - Source: L. 81: Entire section added, p. 977, § 19,...
§ 18-12-104. Defacing a Firearm - A person commits a class 1 misdemeanor if such person...
§ 18-12-105. Unlawfully Carrying a Concealed Weapon - Unlawful Possession of Weapons - Source: L. 71: R&RE, p. 482, § 1. C.R.S. 1963:...
§ 18-12-105.5. Unlawfully Carrying a Weapon - Unlawful Possession of Weapons - School, College, or University Grounds - Source: L. 93: Entire section added, p. 965, § 2,...
§ 18-12-105.6. Limitation on Local Ordinances Regarding Firearms in Private Vehicles - Source: L. 2000: Entire section added, p. 1009, § 2,...
§ 18-12-106. Prohibited Use of Weapons - Definitions - [ Editor's note: This version of this section is effective...
§ 18-12-106.5. Use of Stun Guns - A person commits a class 5 felony if he knowingly...
§ 18-12-107. Penalty for Second Offense - Any person who has within five years previously been convicted...
§ 18-12-107.5. Illegal Discharge of a Firearm - Penalty - Source: L. 93: Entire section added, p. 968, § 1,...
§ 18-12-108. Possession of Weapons by Previous Offenders - [ Editor's note: This version of this section is effective...
§ 18-12-108.5. Possession of Handguns by Juveniles - Prohibited - Exceptions - Penalty - Source: L. 93, 1st Ex. Sess.: Entire section added, p....
§ 18-12-108.7. Unlawfully Providing or Permitting a Juvenile to Possess a Handgun - Penalty - Unlawfully Providing a Firearm Other Than a Handgun to a Juvenile - Penalty - Source: L. 93, 1st Ex. Sess.: Entire section added, p....
§ 18-12-109. Possession, Use, or Removal of Explosives or Incendiary Devices - Possession of Components Thereof - Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear Weapons - Persons Exempt - Hoaxes - (2.5) Any person who knowingly possesses, controls, manufacturers, gives, mails,...
§ 18-12-110. Forfeiture of Firearms - Upon the motion of the prosecuting attorney after the conviction...
§ 18-12-111. Unlawful Purchase of Firearms - (b) [ Editor's note: This version of subsection (2)(b) is...
§ 18-12-112. Private Firearms Transfers - Background Check Required - Penalty - Definitions - (9) (a) [ Editor's note: This version of subsection (9)(a)...
§ 18-12-112.5. Firearms Transfers by Licensed Dealers - Background Check Required - Penalty - Definitions - Source: L. 2021: Entire section added, (HB 21-1298), ch. 268,...
§ 18-12-113. Failure to Report a Lost or Stolen Firearm - Exception - Source: L. 2021: Entire section added, (SB 21-078), ch. 38,...
§ 18-12-114. Secure Firearm Storage Required - Penalty - Exceptions - Source: L. 2021: Entire section added, (HB 21-1106), ch. 39,...
Part 2 - Permits to Carry Concealed Handguns
§ 18-12-201. Legislative Declaration - Source: L. 2003: Entire part added, p. 635, § 1,...
§ 18-12-202. Definitions - As used in this part 2, unless the context otherwise...
§ 18-12-203. Criteria for Obtaining a Permit - Source: L. 2003: Entire part added, p. 638, § 1,...
§ 18-12-204. Permit Contents - Validity - Carrying Requirements - (2) (a) [ Editor's note: This version of subsection (2)(a)...
§ 18-12-205. Sheriff - Application - Procedure - Background Check - Source: L. 2003: Entire part added, p. 640, § 1,...
§ 18-12-206. Sheriff - Issuance or Denial of Permits - Report - Source: L. 2003: Entire part added, p. 642, § 1,...
§ 18-12-207. Judicial Review - Permit Denial - Permit Suspension - Permit Revocation - Source: L. 2003: Entire part added, p. 644, § 1,...
§ 18-12-208. Colorado Bureau of Investigation - Duties - Source: L. 2003: Entire part added, p. 644, § 1,...
§ 18-12-209. Issuance by Sheriffs of Temporary Emergency Permits - Source: L. 2003: Entire part added, p. 645, § 1,...
§ 18-12-210. Maintenance of Permit - Address Change - Invalidity of Permit - (1) [ Editor's note: This version of subsection (1) is...
§ 18-12-211. Renewal of Permits - Source: L. 2003: Entire part added, p. 645, § 1,...
§ 18-12-212. Exemption - Source: L. 2003: Entire part added, p. 646, § 1,...
§ 18-12-213. Reciprocity - Source: L. 2003: Entire part added, p. 646, § 1,...
§ 18-12-214. Authority Granted by Permit - Carrying Restrictions - Local Authority - (2.5) A permit issued pursuant to this part 2 does...
§ 18-12-215. Immunity - Source: L. 2003: Entire part added, p. 648, § 1,...
Part 3 - Large-Capacity Ammunition Magazines
§ 18-12-301. Definitions - As used in this part 3, unless the context otherwise...
§ 18-12-302. Large-Capacity Magazines Prohibited - Penalties - Exceptions - Repeal - Source: L. 2013: Entire part added, (HB 13-1224), ch. 48,...
§ 18-12-303. Identification Markings for Large-Capacity Magazines - Rules - Source: L. 2013: Entire part added, (HB 13-1224), ch. 48,...
Part 4 - Firearms - Dealers
§ 18-12-401. Definitions - As used in this part 4, unless the context otherwise...
§ 18-12-402. Retail Dealers - Record - Inspection - Every individual, firm, or corporation engaged, within this state, in...
§ 18-12-403. Record - Failure to Make - Penalty - [ Editor's note: This version of this section is effective...
§ 18-12-404. Jurisdiction - County Courts - County courts, within their respective counties, have jurisdiction to hear...
§ 18-12-405. Locking Device Required - Penalty - NOTICE Unlawful storage of a firearm may result in imprisonment...
Part 5 - Background Checks - Gun Shows
§ 18-12-501. Background Checks at Gun Shows - Penalty - Source: L. 2018: Entire part added with relocations, (SB 18-032),...
§ 18-12-502. Records - Penalty - (2) [ Editor's note: This version of subsection (2) is...
§ 18-12-503. Fees Imposed by Licensed Gun Dealers - For each background check conducted at a gun show, a...
§ 18-12-504. Posted Notice - Penalty - (2) [ Editor's note: This version of subsection (2) is...
§ 18-12-505. Exemption - The provisions of this part 5 shall not apply to...
§ 18-12-506. Definitions - As used in this part 5, unless the context otherwise...
§ 18-12-507. Appropriation - The general assembly shall appropriate funds necessary to implement this...
§ 18-12-508. Effective Date - This part 5 shall take effect March 31, 2001. Source:...