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§ 24-80-901. Size and Description of Seal - The seal of the state shall be such size as...
§ 24-80-902. Punishment for Illegal Use - [ Editor's note: This version of this section is effective...
§ 24-80-903. Secretary of State Alone Can Affix - Custodian - The secretary of state is alone authorized to use or...
§ 24-80-904. State Flag - A state flag is hereby adopted to be used on...
§ 24-80-905. Columbine - The white and lavender columbine is hereby made and declared...
§ 24-80-906. Duty to Protect - It is hereby declared to be the duty of all...
§ 24-80-907. Limitation on Picking State Flower - It is unlawful for any person to tear the state...
§ 24-80-908. Violation a Misdemeanor - Penalty - [ Editor's note: This version of this section is effective...
§ 24-80-909. State Song - That certain song entitled "Where the Columbines Grow", the words...
§ 24-80-909.5. State Folk Dance - Square dancing, the American folk dance which traces its ancestry...
§ 24-80-910. Lark Bunting - The lark bunting, scientifically known as calamospiza melancorys stejneger, is...
§ 24-80-910.5. State Pets - Dogs (canis lupus familiaris) and cats (felis catus) that are...
§ 24-80-911. State Animal - The rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis) is hereby made...
§ 24-80-911.3. State Reptile - The western painted turtle (chrysemys picta bellii) is hereby made...
§ 24-80-911.4. State Amphibian - The western tiger salamander (ambystoma mavortium) is hereby made and...
§ 24-80-911.5. State Fish - The greenback cutthroat trout (oncorhynchus clarki stomias) is hereby made...
§ 24-80-912. State Gemstone - The aquamarine is hereby made and declared to be the...
§ 24-80-912.5. State Mineral - Rhodochrosite is hereby made and declared to be the state...
§ 24-80-912.7. State Rock - Yule marble is hereby made and declared to be the...
§ 24-80-913. State Insect - The Colorado hairstreak (hypaurotis crysalus), a butterfly, is hereby made...
§ 24-80-914. State Museum - The wings over the rockies air and space museum is...
§ 24-80-915. State Cactus - The claret cup cactus (echinocereus triglochidiatus) is hereby made and...