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§ 62.1-116. Application for leave to build or raise dam across or in watercourse, cut canal, etc. - A person having upon lands owned by him on a...
§ 62.1-117. Notice required - Of such application ten days' previous notice shall be given...
§ 62.1-118. Appointment of commissioners; time of meeting - On proof of the notice, the court shall, by its...
§ 62.1-119. Oath of commissioners; duties; report - The commissioners, before entering upon their duties, shall take an...
§ 62.1-120. When further notice required - If, by such report, or otherwise, it appear that any...
§ 62.1-121. When new commissioners appointed - If good cause be shown against the report, or the...
§ 62.1-122. When court to refuse or grant leave; when granted, what terms imposed; rights of tenant on land crossed by canal - If, on the report, or on other evidence, it appears...
§ 62.1-123. Rights of applicant on payment of damages - The applicant, to whom any such leave is granted, shall,...
§ 62.1-124. Such leave not to affect vested rights - No person shall by means of any such leave, draw...
§ 62.1-125. Time within which applicant must erect or rebuild works; consequence of failure - If the applicant shall not begin his work within one...
§ 62.1-126. Forfeiture by tenant of works damaged or destroyed, and unrestored; right of remainderman or reversioner - Where any mill, manufactory, machine, or engine in possession of,...
§ 62.1-127. Prosecution or action for unforeseen damages - No proceedings had under this chapter, nor any judgment thereon,...