Code of Virginia
Chapter 8 - Local Retirement Systems
§ 51.1-813. Disability resulting from activities in discharge of official duties

If any member of a police department of a county, city, or town, other than the City of Richmond, which has a pension plan becomes disabled as a result of activities in the discharge of the member's official duties, the member shall receive, as pension and benefits during such disability, the sum of not less than sixty-six and two-thirds percent of the member's salary until eligible to retire under age and service retirement. The member shall then be retired on the age and service pension as provided in § 51.1-811.
Any member of a county, city, or town police department or any sheriff or deputy sheriff who dies or is totally or partially disabled as a result of hypertension or heart disease shall be presumed to have died or become disabled in the line of duty, unless the contrary is shown by a preponderance of competent evidence. To be eligible, or for a beneficiary to be eligible, for retirement, sickness, or other benefit payments based upon such presumption, a member, sheriff, or deputy sheriff shall, before the claim was filed, have had a physical examination and been found free from hypertension or heart disease. The physical examination shall have included such appropriate laboratory and other diagnostic studies as the governing body prescribed and shall have been conducted by physicians whose qualifications were prescribed by the governing body. Any member, sheriff, or deputy sheriff filing a claim for such benefits based upon disability incurred in the line of duty shall, if requested by the governing body, submit to a physical examination by any physician designated by the governing body. The examination may include such tests or studies as may reasonably be prescribed by the designated physician or, in the case of a claim for death benefits, include a postmortem examination to be performed by the medical examiner for the county, city, or town appointed under § 32.1-282. The member or claimant shall have the right to have present at such examination, at his own expense, any qualified physician he may designate.
Michie Code 1942, § 3035k; Code 1950, § 51-122; 1950, p. 739; 1973, c. 499; 1974, c. 94; 1976, c. 772; 1978, c. 769; 1982, c. 581; 1990, c. 832.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 51.1 - Pensions, Benefits, and Retirement

Chapter 8 - Local Retirement Systems

§ 51.1-800. Counties, cities, and certain towns to establish local systems or participate in Virginia Retirement System

§ 51.1-801. Counties, cities, and towns generally

§ 51.1-801.1. Portability of service credit between certain political subdivisions of the Commonwealth and the Virginia Retirement System or certain other political subdivisions of the Commonwealth

§ 51.1-802. Assets of retirement systems; exemption from taxation; execution and assignment

§ 51.1-803. Investments of retirement systems

§ 51.1-804. In certain cities

§ 51.1-805. In certain counties

§ 51.1-806. Reimbursement by Commonwealth for portion of employer contribution on account of certain officers and employees

§ 51.1-807. Police officers' pension and retirement boards

§ 51.1-808. Powers, authority, and duties of board

§ 51.1-809. Treasurer of board

§ 51.1-810. Time credited to service record

§ 51.1-811. Eligibility for retirement; retirement allowance

§ 51.1-812. Disability from natural causes not originating in performance of official duties

§ 51.1-813. Disability resulting from activities in discharge of official duties

§ 51.1-814. Employing such presumption in determining eligibility for benefits

§ 51.1-815. Counties, cities, and towns authorized to provide relief to surviving spouse and children

§ 51.1-816. Reduction of pension and benefits where income earned during disability retirement

§ 51.1-817. Salary deductions payable to estate or refunded

§ 51.1-818. Funds for payment of pensions and benefits

§ 51.1-819. Adoption of article optional by counties, cities, and towns; appeal

§ 51.1-820. Police officers' pensions and retirements

§ 51.1-821. Police Retirement System

§ 51.1-822. Amendment, suspension, or revocation of retirement plan and trust

§ 51.1-823. Appeal